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I'm making a simple frame for a game I'm working on, and I'd like some simple Music and Sound in it. I've tried PlaySound but it doesn't seem to be able to do two sounds at once (maybe I'm just using it wrong) Is there a way to do this without DirectX? (I just don't want to have to make DirectX 9.0 mandatory to play my little game)
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Well, I think you can do two sounds (but no more) by using [api]mciSendString[/api] in addition. :)

Iceplug, USN

One of my coworkers thinks that I believe that drawing bullets is the most efficient way of drawing bullets. Whatever!!! :-(


I keep on recommending that people take a look at http://www.fmod.org/ but I never get any response if it�s useful for them. So I don�t know if it�s too complex for


This API library can play thousands of sounds at once without too much slowdown.


If you have trouble with it let me know I have already played with it quite a bit. I have found that this API is really stable once you learn how to configure it.

Slight exaggeration there?! :-\ :)


Have you tried it? I was playing 300 mod files with each 24 channels before I brought this thing to its knees on my P4 2 GHz nothing fancy. So No, I am not exaggerating too much.


Honestly�. This thing can initialize 1024 channels to any soundcard. Doing so does not adversely affect cpu usage. Of course if you are playing sounds on all these channels at once the mixing will take cpu time. It mixes the channels so they can play on a 32 (and I even think a 16) channel soundcard.


I think Fmod is awesome for all our .net needs if it comes to sound. It plays about everything, MOD�s, MIDI, MP3, WAV, and I probably forgot a few� only trouble it is unmanaged�.


� I am starting to sound like a salesman�.


Oh well best of all it�s FREE

thousands of sounds at once != 300 :)


I'll have to take a look at it though.


300 *24 stil is 7200 while maybe not at once, since not all channels play at the same time, I think it's impresive


The thing can play 1024 sounds at once

I keep on recommending that people take a look at http://www.fmod.org/ but I never get any response if it�s useful for them. So I don�t know if it�s too complex for


This API library can play thousands of sounds at once without too much slowdown.


If you have trouble with it let me know I have already played with it quite a bit. I have found that this API is really stable once you learn how to configure it.


Hi, I head over FMOD's oficial web site and I found it to be quite interesting... Still, I was wondering if you could post a small example project using FMOD playing some MP3 / wavs...


Thanks alot...


Sorry for keeping you waiting but this weekend was hectic. (Read girlfriend needed me and I love her even more than this place)


I converted the simple example from the fmod samples from vb6 to VB.net. I admit to using the upgrade wizard that actually did a half decent job for once :)


I believe most errors were removed from the api declarations and I think you can figure out any mistakes. If you can�t, don�t hesitate to post a message.


This simple example does a more than you asked for it can play


- S3M; IT, XM and Mod Files (If you need one take a look at http://www.modarchive.com/)

- WAV, MP3, OGG and WMA files as samples or as streams.


You will need to get the DLL from http://www.fmod.org/ since posting executables is not allowed. If you don�t feel like registering the DLL in windows (as I usually do) place it in your \bin directory.


I hope it was worth the wait.


Thanks for the sample project. But, I will not try it (at the moment) because am moving to DirectX and I will try Directsound instead. However, if Directsound does not fits my needs I will look at this project of yours...
Had a quick look at it and it does seem pretty easy. Also quickly updated the project to remove the vb6 / COM dependancies just to make it that bit easier to use.


Thanks PlausiblyDamp for cleaning out the code�. I didn�t think it was necessary but good job.


Indeed I love FMOD for its simplicity and its power.


EFileTahi-A don�t worry. It will be here if you need it. I suspect many will need it in the future. Your question is pretty common, now at least we can offer a decent solution.

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