kcwallace Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 I am trying to transfer data from a SQLserver to an Access DB through code. The code below contains my method. It has to be dynamic enough to accept any SQL statement. I gets real slow filling the dataset. Is there a better way? Private Sub UpdateDB() Label7.Visible = True ResetLbl(Label7, "Looking up data in SQL Server Database") ProgressBar1.Visible = True Dim Cnn As SqlConnection Dim Cnnstr As String = "Data Source=" & TextBox1.Text & ";Initial Catalog=" & TextBox5.Text & ";Integrated Security=SSPI;" Dim SQL = TextBox2.Text & "" Cnn = SetCnn(Cnnstr) Dim Cmd As SqlCommand Cmd = New SqlCommand(SQL, Cnn) ResetLbl(Label7, "Conditioning Returned Data") Dim DS As DataSet Dim DA As SqlDataAdapter = GetDA(Cmd, DS) Dim ColCnt As Int64 = DS.Tables(0).Columns.Count Dim RowCnt As Int64 = DS.Tables(0).Rows.Count Dim X As Int16 = 0 Dim Y As Int64 = 0 Dim str As String = "" ResetLbl(Label7, "Opening Access Database") Dim Cnn2 As OleDbConnection Dim JetCnnStr As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & TextBox3.Text & ";" Cnn2 = SetOLECnn(JetCnnStr) Dim SQL2 = "SELECT * FROM " & TextBox4.Text Dim Cmd2 As OleDbCommand Cmd2 = New OleDbCommand(SQL2, Cnn2) ResetLbl(Label7, "Preparing to Transfer Data") Dim SQL3 As String = "INSERT INTO [" & TextBox4.Text & "] (" For X = 0 To ColCnt - 1 SQL3 = SQL3 & "[" & DS.Tables(0).Columns(X).ColumnName & "], " Next X ResetLbl(Label7, "Tranferring Data") SQL3 = Mid(SQL3, 1, Len(SQL3) - 2) & ") VALUES (" For Y = 0 To RowCnt - 1 Dim ValStr As String = "" For X = 0 To ColCnt - 1 Dim DbVal = DS.Tables(0).Rows(Y).Item(X) Dim DT = DbVal.GetType().ToString If DT = "System.String" Or DT = "System.DateTime" Then ValStr = ValStr & "'" & RepSngQut(DbVal) & "', " ElseIf DbVal Is DBNull.Value Then ValStr = ValStr & "NULL, " Else ValStr = ValStr & DbVal & ", " End If Next X ValStr = SQL3 & Mid(ValStr, 1, Len(ValStr) - 2) & ")" ActionOLESQL(ValStr, Cnn2) SetProgBarVal(Y + 1, RowCnt, ProgressBar1) Next Y ResetLbl(Label7, "Finishing") Label7.Visible = False ProgressBar1.Visible = False AlreadyRan = Date.Today End Sub Private Sub SetProgBarVal(ByVal Comp As Int64, ByVal RecCnt As Int64, ByVal PBar As ProgressBar) Dim x As Int16 x = Comp / RecCnt * 100 If x > PBar.Value Then PBar.Value = Comp / RecCnt * 100 PBar.Refresh() End If End Sub Public Function RepSngQut(ByVal IStr As String) Dim LenIStr As Integer Dim X As Integer Dim TmpTxt As String Dim Z As Integer TmpTxt = IStr Z = 1 StartOver: LenIStr = Len(TmpTxt) For X = Z To LenIStr Dim Y As String Y = Mid(TmpTxt, X, 1) If Y = "'" Then TmpTxt = Mid(TmpTxt, 1, X - 1) & "'&chr(39)&'" & Mid(TmpTxt, X + 1, LenIStr - X - 1) Z = X + 12 GoTo StartOver End If Next RepSngQut = TmpTxt End Function Private Sub ResetLbl(ByVal Lbl As Label, ByVal Str As String) Lbl.Text = Str Lbl.Refresh() End Sub Public Function SetCnn(ByVal CnnStr As String) As SqlConnection SetCnn = New SqlConnection(CnnStr) SetCnn.Open() End Function Public Function GetDR(ByVal SQL As String, ByVal Cnn As SqlConnection) As SqlDataReader Dim Cmd As SqlCommand = GetCmd(SQL, Cnn) GetDR = Cmd.ExecuteReader End Function Public Function GetDA(ByVal Cmd As SqlCommand, ByRef DS As DataSet) As SqlDataAdapter GetDA = New SqlDataAdapter GetDA.SelectCommand = Cmd DS = New DataSet("X") GetDA.Fill(DS) End Function Public Function GetCmd(ByVal SQL As String, ByVal Cnn As SqlConnection) As SqlCommand GetCmd = New SqlCommand(SQL, Cnn) End Function Public Sub ActionSQL(ByVal SQL As String, ByVal Cnn As SqlConnection) Dim Cmd As SqlCommand = GetCmd(SQL, Cnn) Cmd.CommandText = SQL Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() End Sub Quote Go Beavs!!!
Moderators Robby Posted April 29, 2005 Moderators Posted April 29, 2005 (edited) The first thing you need to do is remove all declarations from your For loop, next declare your Cmd as a page-level variable. the way you have it now, your declaring a new instance of these items for each iteration. Can you post a sample of what the values would be for SQL, SQL2 and SQL3. (The values of each once your routine is complete) Also, I noticed you have a "GoTo StartOver" in one of your loops, this is a big NO-NO. You can end up in an endless loop real easily, there are so many new string functions in .NET you should be using instead. Edited April 29, 2005 by Robby Quote Visit...Bassic Software
kcwallace Posted April 29, 2005 Author Posted April 29, 2005 I took out the declaration in the loops, and it does run a little faster Sample SQL statement after built; INSERT INTO [badges] ([badgeUniqueID], [GroupCode], [RECORD_ID], [Acc], [Loc], [WearNum], [bADGE_TYPE], [bODYREGION], [bODY_PART], [HOLDERCODE], [WearDate], [bU], [Name], [FIRSTINIT], [MIDDLEINIT], [FILMREADER], [WearPeriod], [RECSEQNOF], [TRAY_ID], [TRAY_POS], [NL_SHALLOW], [NL_DEEP], [NL_EXTREM], [NL_NEUTRON], [sTART_DATE], [END_DATE], [sERIALNUM], [badgeID], [CR39-ID], [CR39_STAMP], [CONTROL_ID], [EXTSRCFACT], [NEUT_OPT], [NEUT_FACT], [bETA_FACT], [PHOTONFACT], [ALGO_TYPE], [CAL_FACIL], [DOSE_WEIGH], [FLIM_AVEF], [TLD_AVEF], [RTDATEFLAG], [XRAY_FLAG], [REPT_LATE], [REPT_UNUSL], [ANNEALDATE], [uNIT_MEAS], [ENVCNTL], [LABEDIT], [FILMTYPE], [FLMEVLFL], [DOSEREPN], [bKGS_FLAG], [MREADWIN], [sPARE3], [REPNEUT], [DOSETFLAG], [DAMAGE], [NEEDCONT], [Process], [NoteCode], [Emulsion], [sensitivity], [REC_DATE], [OD1S], [OD2S], [OD3S], [OD4S], [OD5S], [RAWS_READ6], [RAWS_READ7], [RAWS_READ8], [OD1I], [OD2I], [OD3I], [OD4I], [OD5I], [RAWI_READ6], [RAWI_READ7], [RAWI_READ8], [DEEP_DOSE], [EYE_DOSE], [sHALL_DOSE], [NEUT_DOSE], [sPARE4], [Valid1s], [Valid2s], [Valid3s], [Valid4s], [Valid5s], [Valid6s], [Range1s], [Range2s], [Range3s], [Range4s], [Range5s], [Range6s], [Valid1i], [Valid2i], [Valid3i], [Valid4i], [Valid5i], [Valid6i], [Range1i], [Range2i], [Range3i], [Range4i], [Range5i], [Range6i], [Pass1Dest], [Pass2Dest], [TimeLoaded], [HOD1S], [HOD2S], [HOD3S], [HOD4S], [HOD5S], [HOD1I], [HOD2I], [HOD3I], [HOD4I], [HOD5I], [CalIDUsed], [selected], [ReadTimeS], [ReadTimeI], [R1V1], [R1V2], [R1V3], [R1V4], [R1V5], [Volt1], [Volt2], [Volt3], [Volt4], [Volt5], [Filt4Ideal], [Filt5Ideal], [Filt6Ideal], [Filt6s], [Filt7s], [Filt8s], [Filt9s], [Filt6i], [Filt7i], [Filt8i], [Filt9i], [isAngle], [abs67], [abs89], [sum6789], [RobotS], [RobotI]) VALUES (9227, 'A', ' ', '67318 ', '00000DPT', ' 16', '01', 'WB ', ' ', 'FB ', '20021201', 'P', 'DARWIN ', 'T', ' ', ' ', 'M', '058000', ' ', ' ', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0000', ' ', ' ', 'F20557 ', 'F20557 ', ' ', ' ', '129', 'C', '1', 'M', 'A', 'A', 'N', 'B', ' ', 'A', 'L', 'N', '2', 'Y', 'Y', ' ', 'MO', 'N', ' ', '4', ' ', ' ', ' ', 'N', ' ', 'N', 'S', 'Y', 'N', '0059434', ' ', '115', 'S', '20030106', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ' ', ' ', ' ', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8/27/2003 10:30:00 AM', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)" Quote Go Beavs!!!
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