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I'm trying to get the mac address of another machine.. one that I'm not running this app from. I have code that is working for getting my own.. but how do I tell it to run this against another computer. Anyone have a code synp i can use to help me along.




VB.Net newbie

MS Sql Vet


Here is what I have so far.. this works for the mac address.. but the IPAddress comes up blank. From what I can tell looking around.. that info should be there when you query the Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration


Dim ms As ManagementScope
       Dim co As ConnectionOptions
       Dim query As ManagementObjectSearcher
       Dim queryCollection As ManagementObjectCollection
       Dim oq As ObjectQuery
       Dim strQuery As String
       Dim mo As ManagementObject

       ms = New ManagementScope("\\" + mvcComputerName + "\root\cimv2", co)
       strQuery = "Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration"
       oq = New ObjectQuery(strQuery)
       query = New ManagementObjectSearcher(ms, oq)

           queryCollection = query.Get
       Catch ex As Exception
           Throw ex
       End Try

       For Each mo In queryCollection
           mMac = mo("MACAddress").ToString  'This is working
           mIp = mo("IPAddress").ToString  'This isn't


Perhaps now someone might see something that I'm missing




VB.Net newbie

MS Sql Vet

got it figured out.. the ip address. you have bring that back into an array and step through the array.. cause there could be more than 1 ip address per mac..


VB.Net newbie

MS Sql Vet

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