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Does anyone know how to bind multiple labels in the datagrid footer.

I tried to do it today but I could't. I can bind labels in the DataGrid columns but not in the footer.

My html code is below:

For the test purposes I use the same database field for all labels.


<asp:DataGrid id="dgFooter" runat="server">
     <asp:Label ID=Label1 text='<%# DataBinder.Eval      
     (Container.DataItem, "InstallEach")%>' Runat=server></asp:Label>
     <asp:Label ID="Label2" text='<%# DataBinder.Eval  
     (Container.DataItem, "InstallEach")%>' Runat=server>
     </asp:Label><br />
     <asp:Label ID="Label3" text='<%# DataBinder.Eval
     (Container.DataItem, "InstallEach")%>' Runat=server>


my code behind is


Protected Shared strSQL As String = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("Connection")

   Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
           Dim dbConn As New SqlConnection(strSQL)
           Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("SELECT TOP 10 InstallEach, ProductID, Identifier FROM PP WHERE InstallEach > 10", dbConn)
           Dim daGrid As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd)
           Dim dsGrid As New DataSet

           daGrid.Fill(dsGrid, "Products")
           With dgTest
               .DataSource = dsGrid.Tables("Products").DefaultView
           End With

       Catch ex As Exception
       End Try
   End Sub


Any thoughts on it.

Thanks, mumick


<asp:DataGrid id="dgFooter" runat="server" ShowFooter="True" >


I forgot to copy it into my question. I do have showfooter set to true. There is something else prevents datagrid footeritem from binding.

but thanks anyway, mumick

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