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Is there a way I can track the amount of time a user spends are a particuliar application. For example I will install an application in VB.NET on the a users computer. Its purpose is track the amount of time a user spends on another application without them knowing it. Show the user runs this program it will open up my program as well in the back to track the amount of time the user spends. And when the user closes the program they are using it will close mine, but e-mail me the time spent before closing. Any help on how to accomplish this would be greatly appreciated.
  • Leaders
Its purpose is track the amount of time a user spends on another application without them knowing it.[/Quote]


For what purpose do you want to create this program. Granted I don't know what the context is, but it certainly sounds like you are trying to make spyware.




Yes and no I need to track the amount of time a particuliar computer game is played on a computer during company time. Not what I consider to great but game playing during company time is not to well tolerated.

  • Leaders

Everyone has a right to their own opinion, and I respect yours, but I personally think that spying on employees in such a manner is an invasion of privacy and sets a disconcerting precedent. Not that I don't understand your predicament, but I think it would be better to find a less devious solution.


You can use one of the following functions to get an instance of the Process class that might be helpful.




If you want your app to start when the user opens another app, well I don't know how to do that.


I Agree


I agree with you thus I told them I wasn't sure how to accomplish the request thus forcing them to confront the employee face to face. However thank you for your assistance, it is still cool to know.

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