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Hello, I need to transform some values of an MySQL DataTable query in Crystal Reports from 0 and 1 to "sim" and "não" (yes/no), that is, the report from Crystal Reports must exchange values 0 and 1 from some specific datafields to a costumized text value...


Thank you for any possible help...


"Help me Pendragon Kanob, you're my only hope"

Hi EFileTahi-A


Long time know speak to, hows it going


What I do is set up a formula.


if {your field} = 0 then 


then just print the formula


Hey buddy :D things are going fine. Glad to know you're still alive ;)


Listen, where will I put the formula? Into the details section?

Also, how to detect if a field is null in Crystal Reports syntax?


yeh still going


You can put the foumla where ever you need it printed.


As for nulls I beleave you can use the following


if IsNull (Your field) then

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