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OK, I'd like to create a Inno Setup script on the fly.

So, what I need is to run a command like this:


       Dim Quote As String = Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(34)

       Dim strFile As String = "iscc.exe"
       Dim Arguments As String = Quote & "myproject.iss" & Quote & " /Q"

       System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(strFile, Arguments)       '/// launch the chm file to view it.


but the problem is, that cmd window is shown. How can I silently execute it and read it's exit code?


       'Valid options are: "/O" to specify an output path 
       '(overriding any OutputDir setting in the script), 
       '"/F" to specify an output filename (overriding any OutputBaseFilename 
       'setting in the script), "/Q" for quiet compile (print only error messages), 
       'and "/?" to show a help screen. 

       '		iscc /Q /O"My Output" /F"MyProgram-1.0" "c:\isetup\samples\my script.iss" 
       '	ISCC will return an exit code of 0 if the compile was successful, 1 if the 
       'command line parameters were invalid or an internal error occurred, 
       'or 2 if the compile failed. 



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