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I'm trying to create a user control which will act as a menu list for users to click on. All the user control consists of is a panel, a table within the panel, 1 tablerow and multiple table cells for a horizontal look. However, the tablecells inside the usercontrol cannot be found ("Object not set to an instance of an object"). If I implement the same code within the page itself, without the usercontrol, it works fine.


Here is my html:


<asp:Panel Runat="server" id="Panel1" style="Z-INDEX: 108; LEFT: 8px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 48px">

<asp:table id="Table2" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" Font-Size="X-Small">

<asp:TableRow Visible="False" ID="trMain">

<asp:TableCell Visible="False" ID="tcAdmin">

<asp:HyperLink runat="server" NavigateUrl="../Admin/Admin.aspx">Administration</asp:HyperLink>







Here is my code behind in the user control:


Public Sub LoadMenu()



Dim blnFound As Boolean

Dim tcAdmin As TableCell = DirectCast(FindControl("tcAdmin"), TableCell)



Here is my code in the code behind for the parent aspx page:


Protected MenuItems As New RMS2.MenuItems







When debugging inside the usercontrol, the tcAdmin variable has a value of Nothing.


How can I get this variable inside the user control to be recognized?



Bill Yeager (MCP, BCIP)

Microsoft Certified Professional

Brainbench Certified Internet Professional, .Net Programmer, Computer Programmer

YeagerTech Consulting, Inc.

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