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I was curious about CRC32 so I did a quick google search and it brought up some examples. They weren't all that exceptional so I figured I'd post here to get more information. From what I gathered, you take a message that is 32 bit of data in length, then shift it left bitwise 3 places. Take the lowest 5 bits from that message and add 1 to it which would become the checksum. you then append the checksum on the end of the message. To check you would take the message modulo the checksum and shouldn't have a remainder.Is that correct or did I not fully understand it?
CRC32 is an algorithm that produces a 32 bit number for a given byte stream using polynomials. (Here's a good description: http://www34.brinkster.com/dizzyk/math-crc.asp ) It is used to verify that the byte stream hasn't been changed since a minor change in the stream would produce a completely different cheksum. Generally CRC32 is being phased out. If speed is important then Adler32 is favored otherwise the more secure MD5 or SHA1 is used mostly now days.
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Ok, I followed it (I think) and for some reason it doesn't come out right.. I'm thinking this is because you can choose any polynomial that you wish (Although I used the one for Ethernet). Any Ideas? Here is the code I used (I did it the slow way I guess, no lookup table).


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
ifstream mf;
char *b = new char();
unsigned long r = 0x04c11db7L;
unsigned long s = 0;
unsigned long t = 0;
unsigned long temp = 0;


while(mf.peek() != -1)
s = r & 0xff000000;
s = s ^ *b;
temp = r & 0xFF000000;
temp = temp>>24;
r = r<<8;
r = r | temp;
s = s ^ r;
t = t + s;
return 0;


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