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I wanted to initialize a drag from my program as a file... Kind of like Windows Explorer does. I found a way to do this on VB6 (see code below). But I'm not sure how to add this to my program in VB.NET. Currently I have it dragging a string containing the path to the file.


Here is the VB6 code:

Private Sub Picture1_OLEStartDrag(Data As DataObject, AllowedEffects As Long)
 ' this evant allows us to implement dragging *from* our picturebox to other drag targets in the system
 ' make sure there is a file name in the tag property (you would probaby want to use a "file
 ' exists" routine here but for this demo we are doing it simply)
 If Picture1.Tag <> "" Then
   On Error GoTo EH
   ' set the drop effect to create a copy of the file wherever it get's dropped
   AllowedEffects = vbDropEffectCopy
   With Data
     ' clear the contents of the data object
     ' tell the data object we will be dragging files
     .SetData , vbCFFiles
     ' add the file name that we storred in the tag eairler
     .Files.Add Picture1.Tag
   End With
 End If
 Exit Sub
 MsgBox "Unable to initiate drag."
 Resume ExitNow
End Sub

  • *Gurus*

I think something like this is what you need:


   Private Sub PictureBox1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.MouseDown
       Dim s(0) As String
       Dim d As DataObject

       s(0) = "c:\test.txt"
       d = New DataObject(DataFormats.FileDrop, s)

       PictureBox1.DoDragDrop(d, DragDropEffects.Copy Or DragDropEffects.Move)
   End Sub

MVP, Visual Developer - .NET


Now you see why evil will always triumph - because good is dumb.


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That is what I want, but it doesn't work. I made a file search utility that searches specified directories for files... I want to be able to drag (copy) these files onto the desktop (or any other folder) from their current location.


I also want any mp3s found to be dragged into WinAmp. Dragging a string containing the path doesn't work. I think WinAmp requires a path to be dragged as a file.

  • *Gurus*

Sorry, that code works perfectly. Replacing the path with the full path to an MP3 worked, dragging it in to winamp. When you drag files, all you are really dragging is a string array of paths anyway.


If you're using a listview as your source for dragging multiple files, it has an ItemDrag event to cater for multiple items being dragged, so you use that instead of MouseDown.

MVP, Visual Developer - .NET


Now you see why evil will always triumph - because good is dumb.


My free .NET Windows Forms Controls and Articles


Woohoo, just checked my code, I forgot to replace the path in the listbox.dodragdrop command with the variable for the data object .... it worked...


Thanks... :)

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