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Xtreme .Net Talk

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  • Leaders

If I target my application to either version of the .NET framework (so that version 1.0 users can still use my app) and include a call to a function existant only in version 1.1 (Application.EnableVisualStyles() to be specific), but only if the version of the framework running is 1.1, will I still encounter an error because of the reference to a nonexistant function?


Here is my code:

       If Environment.Version.Major = 1 AndAlso Environment.Version.Minor = 1 Then
       End If
       Application.Run(New ZTechForm)      'Begins the program with an instance of our main form

If I were to guess, I guess it would compile, but if you attempt to invoke the method @ runtime using the 1.0 assemblies, it will throw a MissingMethodException.
  • Leaders
I know it would compile. What I don't know is when an exception will be thrown: when my assembly is loaded, when the method containing the missing method is invoked, or only if I were to attempt to invoke the missing method.

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