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Hi guys,


Hopefully this will be a quick question, but alas i cannot find anything on the web to help me (probably so simple it doesn't need documenting).


Mesh.GenerateAdjacency returns Integer(), but AllocateHierarchy.CreateMeshContainer needs it in the form of a GraphicsStream. Is there a way to convert between the two formats???




Everywhere you turn theres a damn wall. Couldn't get X files to work so i wrote my own importer, and now i can't get them into an AnimationAllocation either! Bugger it, the only thing left is to change the mesh's vertex buffer manually each frame of animation, didn't want to but it's the only thing left to do


Damn you microsoft!!


Time to get my ZX Spectrum back out, at least that was straight forward to program in


Well, MDX was made for C# and if you can handle VB.NET then you can handle C#, never had any problems with .X files either.

If you simply hate C# then you can always make a seperate assembly that just contains functions that need to be done in C#

"Who is John Galt?"

I don't hate C# :).

I just prefer to program in VB.NET (for me, code comes faster in my mind when I use vb ... i dont know why, but that's just me).


I'll look into your wrapper (seperate assembly) thing.



My VB.NET Game Programming Tutorial Site (GDI+, Direct3D, Tetris [coming soon], a full RPG.... you name it!)


My Project (Need VB.NET Programmers)



I don't see why i should have to write half my code in another language when it should work equally well in both. Documentation says it should work but it doesn't. Ported several examples from C# to VB without any success. DirectX has not been well implemented in VB.NET and if they only intended to do half a job then they shouldn't have bothered at all.


Gripe over.


Having said all that, I've got around every problem i have ever had with directx by rewriting all the relevant functions and structures myself, importing mesh and animation data straight from milkshape3d files and i have a very nice frames per second rate too. I am now very happy.


Thank you all.

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