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I'm trying to create a public class within my form1. I'm going to be using it (my goal anyway) inside this class so that I can call this class from a thread.start. Anyway.. when I try to tell my dataset where to get the data from, it give me an error of declaration expected. If I use the same syntax outside of this class, just with my form class it works fine. What am I not understanding and how do I fix it.


Public Class TestingClass
Dim ds as new DataSet
ds = dlPerfmon.spServer(company, server)
End Class




VB.Net newbie

MS Sql Vet

i would imagine it is in this line:


ds = dlperfmon.spserver(company, server)


Company and server are variable values right? but there is no declaration for these inside inside your class


thanks for the replie.. I had tried that already.. something like this.

Public Class TestingClass
       Private mvcServer As String
       Private mvcCompany As String

       Public Property vcServer() As String
               Return mvcServer
           End Get
           Set(ByVal pvcServer As String)
               mvcServer = pvcServer
           End Set
       End Property
       Public Property vcCompany() As String
               Return mvcCompany
           End Get
           Set(ByVal pvcCompany As String)
               mvcCompany = pvcCompany
           End Set
       End Property

       'hold perfmon info
       Dim vcCategoryName As String
       Dim vcCounterName As String
       Dim vcInstance As String
       Dim intTblPMInstanceId As Integer

       'create dataset to hold the perfmon counters to query
       Dim ds As New DataSet

       'create a row container to step through dataset
       Dim dr As DataRow

       'grab the info from dll for the counters to query
       ds = wsPerfmon.spPMCategoryInfoForOneServer(vcCompany, vcServer)

   End Class

I don't understand the error to know what I'm doing wrong.. hope you have another idea..




VB.Net newbie

MS Sql Vet


I have tried creating a class like this

Namespace pf
   Public Class pfGather
       Public Sub New()
       End Sub
       Public Sub New(ByVal vcCategoryName As String, ByVal vcCounterName As String, ByVal intTblPMInstanceId As Integer, ByVal vcInstance As String)
           mvcCategoryName = vcCategoryName
           mvcCounterName = vcCounterName
           mintTblPMInstanceId = intTblPMInstanceId
           mvcInstance = vcInstance
       End Sub
       Private mvcCategoryName As String
       Private mvcCounterName As String
       Private mintTblPMInstanceId As Integer
       Private mvcInstance As String

       Public Property vcCategoryName() As String
       Public Property vcCounterName() As String
       Public Property vcInstance() As String
       Public Property intTblPMInstanceId() As Integer
   End Class
End Namespace


Namespace pf
   Public Class pfGathers
       Inherits ArrayList
       Public Sub New()
       End Sub
   End Class
End Namespace


Imports System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter
Imports System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory

Namespace pf
   Public Class pfGatherMethod
       Public Function pfGather(ByVal vcServer As String, ByVal vcCompany As String) As pfGathers
           Dim opfGather As pfGather
           Dim opfGathers As New pfGathers
           Dim wsPerfmon As New Performance.Perfmon
           Dim ds As DataSet
           ds = wsPerfmon.spPMCategoryInfoForOneServer(vcCompany, vcServer)

           Dim WithEvents oCounter1 As New PerformanceCounter

           Dim Counter1 As Integer

       End Function
   End Class
End Namespace

and then I can create the ds. can you give me a quick explination on why this differs..I have my own idea.. but would like to hear from someone who's already banged their head till the light comes on.


when i did it like this.. then it doesn't want me to do the dim withevents.. tells me withevents is not valid on a local variable declaration.. but the performancecounter wants it..


so much to learn


VB.Net newbie

MS Sql Vet

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You cannot use WithEvents on a variable declared with a method body - only at the class level.

As to why it now lets you create an instance of ds it's like I said before - you cannot execute code outside of a method body, the assignment you where trying to do needed to be in a method.

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