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I just got a game called Counter-Strike: Source. I have an ATI 9800 Radeon graphics card, and plenty of memory so I figured my computer should be able to run it. However, whenever I try to load a server, the program closes and a message comes up that says "Failed to lock vertex buffer in CMesh0X8:: LockVertexBuffer." Can someone please help me :confused:

I did what ThePentiumGuy said for my problem, but now I have a new problem. I get this now "Internal Driver Error in IDirect3DDevice9". I am getting so frustrated what can I do. If it is because i need to get the new drivers for my graphics card, how do I do that. I have an ATI 9800 Radeon 256. If you can help me I would be verrrrry appreciative.
ATI Drivers just suck. I got a 9600 and boy it hangs quite a bit, next time I'm going for the GForce cards.

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ATI Drivers just suck. I got a 9600 and boy it hangs quite a bit, next time I'm going for the GForce cards.

Look at my avatar.


Agreed IngisKhan :thumbsup:. I've found ATi to run a little cooler (as in, less hot). However as of now (1/21/05), NVidia holds a clear advantage.

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this looks like a Direcx problem have you reinstalled diredctX9 latest release after you intalled the latestdrivers? and tried to run dxdiag?


Something I learned a long time ago; if you intall new video drivers reinstall directX..... I have no idea why but it solves most problems.

Look at my avatar.


Agreed IngisKhan :thumbsup:. I've found ATi to run a little cooler (as in, less hot). However as of now (1/21/05), NVidia holds a clear advantage.


Microsoft Crash Analyses concluded that 75% of the hangups were caused by drivers, where 50% came from ATI drivers. 'nuf said...

For questions about VS .net extensibility, please fire at me! :)

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