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i'm new on DX9 with VB.Net, but i want to learn , i have check many website and tutorial but all the tutorial it like for advance on DX9, i just want to get a very simple code. what i need is HOW TO DRAW A TEXT? AND DRAW SHAPE LIKE RECT,CYCLE etc...


please give me a very simple code (DirectDraw) and explain clearly thanks you in advance and one more thing CAN DX9 CODING IN CONSOLE FORM ??


Firstly, make sure you have the DirectX 9.0c SDK December 2004 update. The installer file is called 'dxsdk_dec2004.exe'. Any earlier version is not very supportive for Managed Code programmers (ie, VB.NET).


Then start up the tutorial browser, and have a look at all the managed code tutorials. There are 6 basic tutorials to get you started - all well commented. If you do all those, you will have no trouble picking things like drawing text out of some of the more complicated examples in the SDK.




Then start up the tutorial browser, and have a look at all the managed code tutorials. There are 6 basic tutorials to get you started - all well commented. If you do all those, you will have no trouble picking things like drawing text out of some of the more complicated examples in the SDK.


Well Commented??!! You're kidding right? I see all this

' We won't use this maliciously



And random stuff like that. These guys are using UMDX wrappers in MDX!


Sorry. Just a lot of anger I had to let out... When I first started dx9, there was simply NO documentation and I learned through Trial and Error.


i'm new on DX9 with VB.Net, but i want to learn , i have check many website and tutorial but all the tutorial it like for advance on DX9, i just want to get a very simple code. what i need is HOW TO DRAW A TEXT? AND DRAW SHAPE LIKE RECT,CYCLE etc...

Hey man, take a look at some of the tutorials I've written (see Tutor's Corner), and check my website (see signature) for more.


When I first started off, I tried DirectDraw, but then I found that Direct3D was actually much easier.... for me at least.


The tutorials I mentioned are about Direct3D and also explain why you should use Direct3D instead of DirectDraw. However, DirectDraw does have better compatbibilty with older cards and may run a little faster on older systems.


Oh also, if you really want to learn, check out the book ".NET Game Programming with DirectX 9" - great book. Awesome for newbs (like I was). They might have renamed the book to something like "DirectX 9 Game Programming with .NET" . Great book, and well explained (in fact, that's where most of my coding styles come from).


My 2 cents to you.


-The Pentium Guy

My VB.NET Game Programming Tutorial Site (GDI+, Direct3D, Tetris [coming soon], a full RPG.... you name it!)


My Project (Need VB.NET Programmers)


AFAIK they don't use UMDX anywhere. Those SurpressUnManagedCodeSecurity attributes appear in afew places where they need advanced windows message loop functionality and such in their DX sample framework, which isn't used in any of the tutorials.
"Who is John Galt?"

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