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it's been a while but i'd like to hear some approaches.


I'm doing a touchscreen project and i'd like to create control that handles

the scrolling wich is obviusly lakking some support on touchscreens (well at least good support)

so i touch maybe i can create a control like a virtual scroll ring

(the scrolling is done by circlular movement).


So in order to do that i'll need a control that pops up only when needed like a tooltip then hook the mouse_events and send the scrollmessages to the parent control.


Fore the control i'll some sort of form to host the control on and then show it or is there a better approuch please any approuch is welcome.


see the ring at the right

this is what i want to create (a bit fancier i hope though)



any suggestions?


Okay, I didn't know this either, but I looked on google for ToolTip code and I found adding tooltips are ridiciously easy :D


Dim toolTip1 As New System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip

       ' Set up the delays for the ToolTip.
       toolTip1.AutoPopDelay = 5000
       toolTip1.InitialDelay = 1000
       toolTip1.ReshowDelay = 500
       ' Force the ToolTip text to be displayed whether or not the form is active.
       toolTip1.ShowAlways = True

       ' Set up the ToolTip text for the Button and Checkbox.
       toolTip1.SetToolTip(Me.Button1, "My button1")
       toolTip1.SetToolTip(Me.TextBox1, "My checkBox1")

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You'd might want to read this article http://www.codeproject.com/cs/miscctrl/balloonwindow.asp, they've got a fully customizable baloon window it seems so that might be a good starting point.


Not that I want to pretend to know much about touch screen, but when do you want to show the popup? You cant show it when user presses a 'button' as you'd could already put scrolling in that button I think. I dont think you really want to continuously display a balloon as it would block some of the text.

You'd might just want to change the scroll bar to something a lot thicker so it becomes usable, or dont display the text in one textbox that is longer than the screen area, but use different 'pages'. Where the user has to go to the next page of the text with clearly defined buttons. A bit in the way a wizard allows you to do only a small part of the task before forcing you to use the next to go to the next part.

Nothing is as illusive as 'the last bug'.
You'd might want to read this article http://www.codeproject.com/cs/miscctrl/balloonwindow.asp, they've got a fully customizable baloon window it seems so that might be a good starting point.


Not that I want to pretend to know much about touch screen, but when do you want to show the popup? You cant show it when user presses a 'button' as you'd could already put scrolling in that button I think. I dont think you really want to continuously display a balloon as it would block some of the text.

You'd might just want to change the scroll bar to something a lot thicker so it becomes usable, or dont display the text in one textbox that is longer than the screen area, but use different 'pages'. Where the user has to go to the next page of the text with clearly defined buttons. A bit in the way a wizard allows you to do only a small part of the task before forcing you to use the next to go to the next part.


no i woudn't add a scroll bar at all,I would create a wheel in stead.

by circular movement around the wheel it should scroll the childcontrol so i can you the api to send scroll messeges to the child control i might have ask my question wrong

if i would like to create such control i would do it semi transparent so the view would be blocked at a minimal level. My qeustion should be can i display a control without the usage of a hostform and if not do i have to use a ordinary form or are the other types of forms ( i tought that a tooltip uses a different type of form ,maybe somebody knew ?).

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