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Xtreme .Net Talk

Removing Default User (MSN Messenger) from XP. I KNOW there's a simple solution

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After I installed XP on my dad's PC, I signed in on MSN to check my mail or whatever. However, I think I accidentally .... erm.... made that account be associated with my MSN screenname. So now my dad can sign on to my MSN whenever he wants (simply by hitting sign in!!). Um. How can I undo this? I don't exactly want him going through my mail and all. So I've changed the password to that account (apparently, he wants to be the 'Owner' though, I told him I'll do it for him later beucase there's a virus on the Owner account that I need to fix). Someone please help? I know there's a simple solution to this, but I can't seem to find it anywhere.


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