ZeroEffect Posted December 13, 2004 Posted December 13, 2004 I have MultiThread working or atleast the code runs. Is there a way to tell that it is a new thread. I have watched The taskmanager but nothing new shows up. Also any sub that is called be the sub in the newly spawned thread is run in that new thread correct. Stop Laughing, I'm new to multithreading. :p Thanks ZeroEffect Quote If you can't find it, Build It. There is no place Like also don't forget 1 + 1 = 10
Administrators PlausiblyDamp Posted December 14, 2004 Administrators Posted December 14, 2004 If you are spawning multiple threads then you should see them in taskmanager - unless they are very shortlived. Without seeing any code though it is impossible to say exactly what is going on though... Quote Posting Guidelines FAQ Post Formatting Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them. -- Albert Einstein
ZeroEffect Posted December 14, 2004 Author Posted December 14, 2004 (edited) If you are spawning multiple threads then you should see them in taskmanager - unless they are very shortlived. Without seeing any code though it is impossible to say exactly what is going on though... Sorry About that :) 'Here is the Call 'This is in a Module Imports System.Threading Dim oThread As System.Threading.Thread oThread = New Thread(AddressOf modPlayListMan.Refresh_PlayListThread) PlistNumber = 1 oThread.Start() 'Everything else is done here. The DBF is on a server. Imports Microsoft.Data.Odbc Module modLoadPList Public objDA2 As New OdbcDataAdapter Public objDS2 As New Data.DataSet Dim intRow, intArgs As Integer Dim k As Long Public Function Load_CutsDB() Dim strCutInfo As String Dim strConnect2, strSql As String Dim mvarSysProjPath As String = strDriveLetter & ":\Dad\Files\" strConnect2 = "Provider=MSDASQL/SQLServer ODBC;Driver={Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver};" _ & "SourceType=DBF;SourceDB=" & mvarSysProjPath _ & ";InternetTimeout=300000;Transact Updates=True" strCutInfo = "SELECT CUT, TITLE, LENGTH, LOCATION, STARTTIME, ENDTIME, EXT FROM CUTS.DBF" objDA2 = New OdbcDataAdapter(strCutInfo, strConnect2) End Function Public Function Fill_Search() PlayList.Label1.Text = "Please Wait, Playlist Loading" PlayList.Refresh() objDA2.Fill(objDS2, strDB) End Function Public Function Load_PList() As Data.DataSet Try 'On Error Resume Next Dim Itm As ListViewItem Dim I As Long Dim strConnect, strSql As String Dim objDA1 As New OdbcDataAdapter Dim objDS1 As New Data.DataSet Dim intCounter As Integer Dim mvarSysProjPath As String = strDriveLetter & ":\Dad\Files\Playlist\" strConnect = "Provider=MSDASQL/SQLServer ODBC;Driver={Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver};" _ & "SourceType=DBF;SourceDB=" & mvarSysProjPath _ & ";InternetTimeout=300000;Transact Updates=True" strSql = "SELECT CUT, COMMENT FROM " & strDB & ".dbf" objDA1 = New OdbcDataAdapter(strSql, strConnect) objDA1.Fill(objDS1, strDB) Fill_Search() PlayList.ProgressBar1.Value = "0" PlayList.ProgressBar1.Maximum = objDS1.Tables(strDB).Rows.Count PlayList.ProgressBar1.Minimum = "0" For I = 0 To objDS1.Tables(strDB).Rows.Count - 1 With objDS1.Tables(strDB).Rows(I) strCut = Replace(!CUT, " ", "") strComment = !Comment If strCut.Length > 0 Then Call Load_Cuts() Else Call Load_Comment() End If End With Next I objDS1.Dispose() objDS2.Dispose() intRow = 0 I = strPList MainForm.lblPListTitle(I).Text = strDB Load_MediaPlayer() Catch ex As Exception 'Maybe add Event to system log End Try End Function Public Function Load_Cuts() As DataSet Dim strLCount As String Dim Itm(7) As ListViewItem Dim I As Long Dim j As Long intArgs = 1 I = strPList Dim dv As DataView = objDS2.Tables(0).DefaultView Dim dr As DataRow dv.Sort = "CUT" intRow = dv.Find(strCut) j = intRow k = MainForm.PlayListView(I).Items.Count If j = -1 Then Itm(I) = MainForm.PlayListView(I).Items.Add("N/A") Itm(I).BackColor = Color.Red Itm(I).SubItems.Add(strCut) Itm(I).SubItems.Add("No Database Entry Found") Itm(I).SubItems.Add("0.0") Itm(I).SubItems.Add("0.0") Itm(I).SubItems.Add("0.0") Itm(I).SubItems.Add("N/A") Else With dv(j) strFileName = Replace(!LOCATION, " ", "") & "\cuts\" & !CUT & "." & !EXT If System.IO.File.Exists(strFileName) Then I = strPList Itm(I) = MainForm.PlayListView(I).Items.Add(!LOCATION) Itm(I).SubItems.Add(!CUT) Itm(I).SubItems.Add(!TITLE) Itm(I).SubItems.Add(!LENGTH) Itm(I).SubItems.Add(!STARTTIME) Itm(I).SubItems.Add(!ENDTIME) Itm(I).SubItems.Add(!EXT) Else Itm(I) = MainForm.PlayListView(I).Items.Add(!LOCATION) Itm(I).BackColor = Color.Red Itm(I).SubItems.Add(!CUT) Itm(I).SubItems.Add("File Not Found!") Itm(I).SubItems.Add(!LENGTH) Itm(I).SubItems.Add(!STARTTIME) Itm(I).SubItems.Add(!ENDTIME) Itm(I).SubItems.Add(!EXT) strLogFile = Format(Now, "HH:mm:ss tt") & " " & !Cut & " " & strTitle & " File Not Found" ListManager("Audio_Error") End If End With End If PlayList.ProgressBar1.Value = (PlayList.ProgressBar1.Value + 1) If PlayList.ProgressBar1.Value = PlayList.ProgressBar1.Maximum Then MainForm.PlayListView(I).Items(0).Selected = True If Refresh = False Then PListIndex(I) = MainForm.PlayListView(I).SelectedItems(0).Index End If objDS2.Reset() End If End Function Public Sub Load_Comment() Dim Itm(7) As ListViewItem Dim j Dim i i = strPList Itm(i) = MainForm.PlayListView(i).Items.Add("") Itm(i).BackColor = Color.Yellow Itm(i).SubItems.Add("") Itm(i).SubItems.Add(strComment) Itm(i).SubItems.Add("") Itm(i).SubItems.Add("") Itm(i).SubItems.Add("") Itm(i).SubItems.Add("") End Sub End Module I watched Task Manager and nothing new Showed up. It does take a few seconds for the list to load so I should have seen it. Thanks ZeroEffect Edited December 14, 2004 by ZeroEffect Quote If you can't find it, Build It. There is no place Like also don't forget 1 + 1 = 10
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