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Hello again!


I am in a quandry. I have a tabcontrol, on which I create a few controls. One of those controls is a textbox, for use to input a string of data. The problem I am having is that of getting the data from it. The code i'm using is:

	//create new tabpage, name it and label it
	TabPage tbtemp = new TabPage("Report: " + strtemp[2]);
	tbtemp.Name = strtemp[5];

	clsReports MyReports = new clsReports();
	//create a new report
	MyReports.iReportNumber = int.Parse(strtemp[5]);			MyReports.strServerIP = strtemp[1];
	MyReports.strPlayerName = strtemp[2];
	MyReports.strReason = strtemp[3];
	MyReports.strExtra = strtemp[4];
	//start adding runtime controls
	Label lblServer = new Label();
	Label lblPlayer = new Label();
	Label lblReason = new Label();
	Label lblTime = new Label();
	TextBox txtPass = new TextBox();
	//start setting the labels values
	lblServer.Name = "lblServer" + strtemp[5];
	lblServer.Text = "Server: " + strtemp[1];
	lblServer.Location = new Point(10,16);
	lblServer.AutoSize = true;
	lblPlayer.Name = "lblPlayer" + strtemp[5];
	lblPlayer.Text = "Player: " + strtemp[2];
	lblPlayer.Location = new Point(10,48);
	lblPlayer.AutoSize = true;

	lblReason.Name = "lblReason" + strtemp[5];
	lblReason.Text = "Reason: " + strtemp[3];			             lblReason.Location = new Point(10,80);
	lblReason.AutoSize = true;

	lblTime.Name = "lblTime" + strtemp[5];
	lblTime.Text = " Submitted: " + strtemp[4];
	lblTime.Location = new Point(7, 112);
	lblTime.AutoSize = true;

	txtPass.Name = "txtPass" + strtemp[5];
	txtPass.Text = string.Empty;
	txtPass.Location = new Point(10,144);

	//add controls to the tabpage
	//finally show the controls


It's probably an easy solution, I googled for it but didn't find any answers for .NET. :(


Thanks guys!



Show the code where you are trying to get the data from the control. Is should be simple once you know the name you have given the control.


I know the name of the control, it would be

"txtPass" + creport.iReportNumber;


The problem I am having is how access it's data. Do I access it just like it was always there?

Posted (edited)
You should be able to use something like


Dim str1 As String

str1 = tbtemp.Controls(txtPass & creport.iReportNumber).Text


That doesn't work... I get a compiler error.




Ok, figured out how to do it. This is probably the worst way possible to do it, so if you know a better way PLEASE tell me!


Since there is only 1 textbox on each new tabpage I create I used the following:

string b = string.Empty;

foreach(Control a in tbselected.Controls)
if(a.GetType().ToString() == "System.Windows.Forms.TextBox")
	b = a.Text;


Glad I don't have many controls, or that would create some serious performance issues!

Edited by coldfusion244

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