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Am looping all objects inside a panel which I want to get the combobox type ones to perform some special tasks. The problem is, when I get a combobox (identified through its name (starts With "cbx_") I can't access its comboBox special features like ".items.add" :(. So? I will I walk around this one?


foreach (System.Windows.Forms.Control cCtrl in cTargetPanel.Controls)
    if (cCtrl.StartsWith("cbx_") == true)
          cCtrl.Items.Add("bla bla");


Although this pice of code does not works, it gives you an clear ideia of what I need to do...


tks for the attention

Am looping all objects inside a panel which I want to get the combobox type ones to perform some special tasks. The problem is, when I get a combobox (identified through its name (starts With "cbx_") I can't access its comboBox special features like ".items.add" :(. So? I will I walk around this one?


foreach (System.Windows.Forms.Control cCtrl in cTargetPanel.Controls)
    if (cCtrl.StartsWith("cbx_") == true)
          cCtrl.Items.Add("bla bla");


Although this pice of code does not works, it gives you an clear ideia of what I need to do...


tks for the attention


I'm not EXACTLY sure of the C# syntax but, you have to cast the item to a combobox type before you can access combobox members and methods. In VB it's like this...


For Each cCtrl As Control In cTargetPanel.Controls
    If cCtrl = theControlYouAreLookingFor Then
         Dim myComboBox As ComboBox = DirectCast(cCtrl, ComboBox)
         'Now you can use the combobox as you normally would
         myComboBox.Items.Add("bla bla")
    End If


I believe the C# syntax for casting an object to a different type is:

(targetType) object

In your case something like this:

foreach (System.Windows.Forms.Control cCtrl in cTargetPanel.Controls)
    if (cCtrl.StartsWith("cbx_") == true)
          ComboBox myComboBox = (ComboBox)cCtrl;
          myComboBox.Items.Add("bla bla");

Again, I'm not exactly sure about that syntax but, you defiantly have to cast the cCtrl to a ComboBox type.

Being smarter than you look is always better than looking smarter than you are.

hi, tks for the reply.


I already tryed that before I post here, it does work indeed, I can add items but it seems the will be add to the new created combobox, not the target combobox itself locked by the foreach... :(

			foreach (System.Windows.Forms.Control cCtrl in cTargetPanel.Controls)
				if (cCtrl.Tag != null)
					if (cCtrl.Tag.ToString() == "DIN" && cCtrl.Name.StartsWith("cbx_") == true)
						if (cCtrl.Name.ToString().ToUpper().StartsWith("CBX_TELINFO") == true |
							cCtrl.Name.ToString().ToUpper().StartsWith("CBX_EMP_TELINFO") == true)
							sSQL = "SELECT * FROM dinamica WHERE telinfo = true";
							sSQL = "SELECT * FROM dinamica WHERE " + cCtrl.Name.ToString().Remove(0,4) + " = true";
						System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox cCtrlCbx = (System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox)cCtrl;

						OleDbCommand cmd2 = new OleDbCommand(sSQL, conAccess);
						OleDbDataReader myReader;
						myReader = cmd2.ExecuteReader();
						catch(Exception g)

well here is my code anyway

hi, tks for the reply.


I already tryed that before I post here, it does work indeed, I can add items but it seems the will be add to the new created combobox, not the target combobox itself locked by the foreach... :(


That is what the DirectCast statement handles in VB. I'm not sure if there is a C# equivilent or not. You might try putting the name of the combobox you're trying to update in as the "target type"...


    ... (cboYourComboBox)cCtrl;

I don't know if it will work or not but, it may be worth a try

Being smarter than you look is always better than looking smarter than you are.

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