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I dont see a catagory for threading so I am posting under controls.


I am using threading, and tcp/ip. Throughout the TESTING of my program - the following appear in my "output" window of the compiler;


The thread '<No Name>' (0xf88) has exited with code 0 (0x0).

The thread '<No Name>' (0x950) has exited with code 0 (0x0).




How do I go about finding WHAT threads those were and what started them and why they exited please?

www.DRSTEIN99.com www.RAIDGEAR.net www.THERE.com -> Tell them DrStein99 sent ya!

I am declareing this on my NEW sub;


listenerThread = New Threading.Thread(AddressOf Me.DoListen)

listenerThread.Name = "ListenThread"



so this is the only area of the program where i create new THREAD objects. If there are other objects that are considered THREADS that are declared other than




for example, tcp listener, sockets, etc.... Then this MAY be the case. But I am looking for some pointers on how I can focus on where these objects are being created from and ending etc.... to find one where in my program to look. Advice is very helpful, thanks.

www.DRSTEIN99.com www.RAIDGEAR.net www.THERE.com -> Tell them DrStein99 sent ya!

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