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I have this format for an XML form:


- <Individual>
 <Individuals-Name>Joe Light</Individuals-Name> 
 <Main-Applicants-Name>Joe P Light</Main-Applicants-Name> 
- <Application-Data>
 <PlanCode /> 
- <Dependent-Data>
 <SSN- /> 
 <depHeight /> 
 <depWeight /> 


It is a lot longer than that, and the values within it will tend to vary. It isn't well formed so I can't just import it to a dataset.


So I am stuck manually parsing this thing using XML functions - totally new ground for me.


Seems all of the examples want to tell me how to return the whole thing, as if I were blind and couldn't see it.


I need to read <Individuals-Name>Joe Light</Individuals-Name> and put that into a datatable, where Column1's Name is 'Name', and Column2's Name is 'Value', entering the name of the node I am getting (Individuals-Name) and its value (Joe Light) respectively


I have been able to read elements and tell that they have no values and what not - but does anyone have a snippet like this one:


Function ParseXmlContent(ByVal objXMLReader As XmlTextReader) As DataTable

       'read or "pull" the nodes of the XML document   
       Dim strNodeResult As String = ""
       Dim sName As String = ""
       Dim sValue As String = ""
       Dim objNodeType As XmlNodeType
       Dim dt As New DataTable
       Dim dr As DataRow

       'read each node in turn � returns False if no more nodes to read   
       Do While objXMLReader.Read()

           'select on the type of the node (these are only some of the types)     
           objNodeType = objXMLReader.NodeType

           Select Case objNodeType

               'Case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration

               'get the name and value         
               '   strNodeResult += "|XML Declaration: " & objXMLReader.Name _
               '                 & " " & objXMLReader.Value & "|" & Chr(10)

           Case XmlNodeType.Element

                   'just get the name, any value will be in next (#text) node
                   'strNodeResult += "Element: *" & objXMLReader.Name & "*" & Chr(10)
                   sName = objXMLReader.Name
                   If sValue.Length > 0 Then
                       dr = dt.NewRow
                       dr.Item("Value") = sValue
                       dr.Item("Name") = sName
                   End If
                   sValue = ""
                   sName = ""
               Case XmlNodeType.Text

                   'just display the value, node name is "#text" in this case         
                   sValue = objXMLReader.Value

           End Select 
       Loop   'and read the next node   

       'and return the resulting string   
       Return dt

   End Function


To help me out here?



Read the Fovean Chronicles

Because you just can't spend your whole day programming!


Actually solved this for myself


XML takes some getting of your mind around, it seems, so I am going to post the code I used for the next guy with the same question


Dim oXML As New XmlDocument
       Dim oFil As New FileStream(_FileName, FileMode.Open)
       Dim oNodeList As XmlNodeList
       Dim oNode As XmlNode
       Dim sName As String = ""
       Dim sValue As String = ""
       Dim sNode As String = ""
       Dim dr As DataRow
       Dim dt As New DataTable
       Dim GlobDS As DataSet
       dim globCount As Integer




       oNodeList = oXML.GetElementsByTagName("*")

       For Each oNode In oNodeList
           sName = oNode.Name
'here, you can see that I am looking for the first instance of a 
'new node called "Individuals-Name".  This lets me create a new
'datatable for each contact in the XML stream
           If sName = "Individuals-Name" And dt.Rows.Count > 0 Then
               dt = New DataTable
               globCount = globCount + 1
'I am creating a new datatable for every contact set in the XML stream
'I am counting them because I am going to have a datagrid display the tables
'one-at-a-time, and I want to page through them
           End If
           If oNode.HasChildNodes Then
'what I am counting on here is the format of <node><child><value>
'If you have been playing with this, you have noticed that the node 
'value is a child of the node name, but where nodes are grouped by 
'descriptors like 'Personal Data' and such, the descriptor creates a new
'subset.  Now I can, at a glance or programatically, look at the Node 
'field and see what part of the whole set the node belongs to
               sValue = oNode.ChildNodes(0).Value
               If Not sValue = Nothing Then
                   If sValue.Length > 0 Then
                       dr = dt.NewRow
                       dr.Item("Value") = sValue
                       dr.Item("Name") = sName
                       dr.Item("Node") = sNode
                   End If
                   sValue = ""
                   sName = ""
                   'handle creating a new node
                   sNode = oNode.Name
               End If
           End If
       globCount = 0
'now I display the results in a datagrid, and I can do anything I want with it
'later, I will put an Up and Down button on the form so that I can move from
'contact set to contact set
       With dgDisplay
           .DataSource = globDS.Tables(globCount)
       End With


I hope this helps the next person behind me on the learning curve. It was quite a climb to get here.

Read the Fovean Chronicles

Because you just can't spend your whole day programming!

  • 6 months later...

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