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Hello all! Have an ASPX page that really should be called in a pop up window. How can I call a pop up window from .NET? I can't seem to find much on it anywhere, and need to use this functionality throughout this project.


Many thanks!

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You can create a new aspx file (maybe call it Popup) and in the calling form put some javascript. Sorry I only know how to do it with JS

		function fnOpenPopup(sPage,sArgs,sFeatures,bMode)
		if (bMode == 'Modal')
			window.showModelessDialog(sPage, sArgs, sFeatures);
			window.open(sPage, sArgs, sFeatures);	


If you want to use this method I'll give you the parameters required.

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You can play around with the Features to suite your needs...

Dim sURL As String = "Your_Popup.aspx?SomeString="
Dim sArgs As String = "someargsServiceDefinitions"
Dim sFeaturesModeless As String = "menubar=no,toolbar=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=800,height=400"
Dim sFeaturesModal As String = "dialogHeight:500px;dialogWidth:500px;dialogTop:100px;dialogLeft:100px;edge:Raised;center:1;help:0;resizable:1;status:0;scroll:1"
Dim sMode As String = "Modal"

Visit...Bassic Software
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Oh yeah, to call it from an <a href>....

"<a href=javascript:fnOpenPopup('" & sURL & "','" & sArgs & strArray(intCounter, 1) & "','" & sFeaturesModeless & "','" & sMode & "')>Some Text</a>"

Visit...Bassic Software

Ok, now this will show just how new I am to NET. How can I use the code you've given me with codebehind? In my code I've set the HREF like:

Link1.NavigateUrl = "java script:fnOpenPopup('" & sURL & "','" & sFeaturesModeless & "','" & sMode & "')"

With the <SCRIPT> tags in the aspx page. The variables are being populated so that's not a problem. Here's what is in the propeties of the link at runtime:


So it's sticking the string at the end of the //localhost URL. What is the way around this?


Just trying to wade through this NET stuff.

Many Thanks.


How would you do this with the code behind method?


I find that when I click a button, it kicks off the page.ispostback bing true and sends me back to the login page


If I page through that and force the button click event, then it doesn't see Window as a valid object

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I sort of streamlined (for my testing purposes at least) what was given to me. This is in the aspx header:

		function fnOpenPopup(sPage,sFeatures,bMode)
		  window.open(sPage, 'NewWin', sFeatures)


And this give the link the URL:

  Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
   If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
   End If
   Link1.NavigateUrl = "javascript:fnOpenPopup('AddNewLocation.aspx','menubar=no,toolbar=no,status=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=375,height=250,left=401,top=250','Modal')"
 End Sub


Of course I'm using a Hyperlink, but it's the same idea.

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