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OK, here is the dumb question of the day.


I have a array that is filled by a user making choices. It is currently dimmed as:


Friend gstrAssemblyRemarker() As String


The first time I use gstrAssemblyRemarker I get an error because it is nothing. How can I instantiate it and set a default value so that it looks like:


Friend gstrAssemblyRemarker() As String = ?


I cannot just check for nothing. There are 42 controls that this could apply to and I have no way of knowing which or how many will be selected.




P.S. There is not a better way of doing this. I have to have 42 controls.


Why not have an array of your controls? So if you're working with textboxes, you'd do:


friend myTextboxes() as Textbox = new Textbox(42)


then have some startup code that assigns your textboxes into this array -

myTextboxes(0) = txtSometext1


myTextboxes(41) = txtSometext42


There's other approaches you can take here, but if you're set on an array of controls, this should work.

  • *Experts*

If I understand your question correctly....

You could set an UpperBound value to the array

Dim gstrAssemblyRemarker(0) As String


With that then check the UpperBound value and if it = Nothing:

If gstrAssemblyRemarker.GetUpperBound(0) = Nothing Then ....OR in a loop:


For i = 0 to gstrAssemblyRemarker.GetUpperBound(0)

If Not gstrAssemblyRemarker(i) = Nothing Then


End If


Member, in good standing, of the elite fraternity of mentally challenged programmers.


Dolphins Software

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