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Last time i had that it was running Release instead of Debug version of my application. You might want to check that ;).
Nothing is as illusive as 'the last bug'.
Last time i had that it was running Release instead of Debug version of my application. You might want to check that ;).

Well, Wile, I was in fact set to "Release" instead of "Debug" - so I changed that! But it still won't stop on my breakpoints. Anyone else have an idea? (Hey, it is Microsoft! Maybe I need to reboot....)

I don't mean to be insulting or anything, but is your code executing over the breakpoint? Try putting a break point very early on in the code, like a load function for a form or a constructor for a class, to make sure that VS is working.
I don't mean to be insulting or anything' date=' but is your code executing over the breakpoint? Try putting a break point very early on in the code, like a load function for a form or a constructor for a class, to make sure that VS is working.[/quote']I put a breakpoint on the Page_Load event, and that does not even work.


Here is a possible clue: While the program was running, I hit the Pause button in the debugger and got this message:


With MessageBox

.Title = "Microsoft Development Envirnment"

.Text = "Unable to break execution. The process does not contain any programs."

.Buttons = vbOkOnly

End With


Okay, I know. Kinda geeky. But, now everyone knows what my message is.


Page_Load?? ...uh... what type of binary are you trying to execute?


Check your project's property and see what the Startup Object is. (Sub Main?, frmYourForm?). If that still aint it, post back.

Me = 49% Linux, 49% Windows, 2% Hot gas.


...Bite me.


My Site: www.RedPierSystems.net

-.net, php, AutoCAD VBA, Graphics Design

Page_Load?? ...uh... what type of binary are you trying to execute?


Check your project's property and see what the Startup Object is. (Sub Main?, frmYourForm?). If that still aint it, post back.

Being an ASP.NET page, it doesn't really have a "Sub Main." You were testing me. Right?


For others that have been keeping up with this post, the solution turned out to be similar to what mskeel had said. In the "Property Pages," the "Configuration:" was set to "Active (Debug)" and the "Platform:" was set to "Active (.NET)." These were the settings I assumed mskeel was referring to.


In my frusteration, I happened to look into the settings in the "Configuration Manager..." (still in "Property Pages") and found that even though the "Configuration" was set to "Debug," the "Active Solution Configuration:" was not (it was set to "Release"). I changed it to "Debug," and I have not had any problems since.


So now I have a question: "Why has Microsoft put 3 (maybe more) places in Visual Studio .NET 2003 where someone goes to set their project up as either "Debug" or "Release"? Wouldn't it make more sence to have 1 place?" The 3 that I found don't even seem to be linked to the same variable within VS.NET.


Is that krazy, or is it just me?

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