puma Posted October 14, 2004 Posted October 14, 2004 Is there any way in .Net to get a list of the SQL Servers in the local network? Quote
Rick_Fla Posted October 14, 2004 Posted October 14, 2004 Check this thread http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=87132&highlight=List+SQL+Servers Quote "Nobody knows what I do until I stop doing it."
Mykre Posted October 19, 2004 Posted October 19, 2004 Try This, Uses the Net API Public Class clsNetAPI32 Private Const SV_TYPE_SQLSERVER = &H4S ' NetServerEnum Return Values Private Const ERR_SUCCESS = 0 Private Const ERROR_MORE_DATA As Int32 = 234 Private Const ERROR_NO_BROWSER_SERVERS_FOUND As Int32 = 6118I Private Structure SERVER_INFO_100 Dim sv100_platform_id As Integer Dim sv100_name As Integer End Structure ' ' level : Specifies the information level of the data ' bufptr : Pointer to the buffer that receives the data ' prefmaxlen : Specifies the preferred maximum length of returned data, in bytes ' entriesread : Pointer to a value that receives the count of elements actually enumerated ' totalentries : Pointer to a value that receives the total number of visible servers and workstations on the network ' servertype : Specifies a value that filters the server entries to return from the enumeration ' domain : Pointer to a constant string that specifies the name of the domain for which a list of servers is to be returned ' resume_handle : Reserved; must be set to zero Private Declare Unicode Function NetServerEnum Lib "netapi32" _ (ByVal servername As IntPtr _ , ByVal level As Integer _ , ByRef bufptr As IntPtr _ , ByVal prefmaxlen As Integer _ , ByRef entriesread As Integer _ , ByRef totalentries As Integer _ , ByVal servertype As Integer _ , ByVal domain As IntPtr _ , ByVal resume_handle As Integer _ ) As Integer Private Declare Function NetApiBufferFree Lib "netapi32" _ (ByVal BufPtr As IntPtr) As Integer Public Function GetListOfServers(ByRef colSQLServers As Collection) As Boolean Dim sServerName As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero Dim iLevel As Integer = 100 Dim lBufPtr As IntPtr Dim iprefMaxLen As Integer = -1 Dim iEntriesRead As Integer Dim iTotalEntries As Integer Dim sDomain As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero Dim iResumeHandle As Integer = 0 Dim iReturnValue As Integer Dim sctSrvList As SERVER_INFO_100 Dim nStructSize As Integer = Marshal.SizeOf(sctSrvList) Dim scSQLServers As New Specialized.StringCollection Dim iIndex As Integer colSQLServers = New Collection iReturnValue = NetServerEnum(sServerName _ , iLevel _ , lBufPtr _ , iprefMaxLen _ , iEntriesRead _ , iTotalEntries _ , SV_TYPE_SQLSERVER _ , sDomain _ , iResumeHandle _ ) If iReturnValue = ERR_SUCCESS Then ' Loop through each SQL Server returned by the NetServerEnum call For iIndex = 0 To iEntriesRead - 1 ' Convert each SQL Server entry into a SERVER_INFO_100 structure sctSrvList = DirectCast(Marshal.PtrToStructure(New IntPtr(lBufPtr.ToInt32 + (nStructSize * iIndex)) _ , GetType(SERVER_INFO_100) _ ) _ , SERVER_INFO_100 _ ) ' Add each SQL Server SERVER_INFO_100 structure entry into the StringCollection scSQLServers.Add(Marshal.PtrToStringUni(New IntPtr(sctSrvList.sv100_name))) Next End If ' Clean up regardless of iReturnValue Call NetApiBufferFree(lBufPtr) ' Move from String Collection to Array To Collection ' I only return the list as a collection because ' collections are what I am used to Dim sSQLServers(scSQLServers.Count - 1) As String scSQLServers.CopyTo(sSQLServers, 0) For iIndex = 0 To sSQLServers.GetUpperBound(0) colSQLServers.Add(sSQLServers(iIndex)) Next Return True End Function End Class Quote Glenn "Mykre" Wilson, DirectX MVP Inner Realm Managed DirectX and Game Programming Resources
Mykre Posted October 19, 2004 Posted October 19, 2004 Or This Uses SQL-DMO Public Class clsSQLDMO Public Function GetListOfSQLServers(ByRef colSQLServers As Collection) As Boolean Dim iIndex As Integer Dim oSQLServer As New SQLDMO.SQLServer Dim oServerList As SQLDMO.NameList = oSQLServer.Application.ListAvailableSQLServers colSQLServers = New Collection For iIndex = 1 To oServerList.Count colSQLServers.Add(oServerList.Item(iIndex).ToString) Next Return True End Function End Class Quote Glenn "Mykre" Wilson, DirectX MVP Inner Realm Managed DirectX and Game Programming Resources
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