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I have been documenting my latest piece of work, but need input as to what people feel would be a neccesity to have.


The purpose of this software is to allow the creation of pixel/vector based graphics and have them saved in a 32-bit ARGB* format or possibly as a metafile; basically, a huge wrapper for GDI+ that the software will access by script. It encompasses 2-D Vectors, Imaging, and Typography.



Some Things I have planned on and already documented for:


-There needs to be 2 types of zoom: one that pixelates the more you zoom in (since thats what happens if you show your art on a smaller resolution!), and one that stays all vectorish, just like Flash does when you zoom in.



-It must be able to have more that just solid, gradient, and image fill. What about the basic hatch brushes and adding your own algorithem(s) (e.g. -fractal) to create your own textures?



-The software's environment will allow for plug-in support.



-It will support not just .bmp, .png, .jpeg, .gif, .ico, et... (the stuff built into GDI+), but will also integrate the ability to edit/make Icons (both single, and the ones with more that one icon), AND Cursors (.cur and .ani).





Anyone have any suggestions? (UI? new Features? etc...)




Thanks in Advance! :D



NOTE: I do not intend to make a Flash MX clone or Photoshop clone. This software is oriented twards enriching the experience of the Pixel (or even Texture?) artist with helpfull features and such.

Me = 49% Linux, 49% Windows, 2% Hot gas.


...Bite me.


My Site: www.RedPierSystems.net

-.net, php, AutoCAD VBA, Graphics Design


Thank you, PentiumGuy. :D


I figure thats a problem if I need to draw a zillion frames a second. ;)


A paint canvas tends to be a static one.


If i go into speed-needy animated stuff, there must be some sort a work around.

A possibly way to 'speed up' GDI+ might be if I draw all objects to DX surfaces,and only redraw that surface if the object changes color or size and stuff.


That way, i can draw at high frame rates with the power of DX and the beutty of GDI+. (I hope :p )

Me = 49% Linux, 49% Windows, 2% Hot gas.


...Bite me.


My Site: www.RedPierSystems.net

-.net, php, AutoCAD VBA, Graphics Design

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