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i) you need to decide what crypto system do you need ( RSA,DES , TripleDes ...) , some of this are asymmetric crypto systems and other are symetric.


ii) asymmetric crypto systems have to different keys ( public and private), public key will be used for crypt some txt ( document , picture ....), and private key is used for decrypt, while symetric crypto systems have one key for both directions


iii) framework includes most of these systems ( System.Security.Cryptography ), so you dont need to worry about very large prime numbers which is base of every crypo system , implementation of oprerations for these numbers ( i hated that part :) ) , and other stuff like that!


iv) RSA example


using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;

class RSACSPSample

   static void Main()
           //Create a UnicodeEncoder to convert between byte array and string.
           UnicodeEncoding ByteConverter = new UnicodeEncoding();

           //Create byte arrays to hold original, encrypted, and decrypted data.
           byte[] dataToEncrypt = ByteConverter.GetBytes("Data to Encrypt");
           byte[] encryptedData;
           byte[] decryptedData;
           //Create a new instance of RSACryptoServiceProvider to generate
           //public and private key data.
           RSACryptoServiceProvider RSA = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

           //Pass the data to ENCRYPT, the public key information 
           //(using RSACryptoServiceProvider.ExportParameters(false),
           //and a boolean flag specifying no OAEP padding.
           encryptedData = RSAEncrypt(dataToEncrypt,RSA.ExportParameters(false), false);

           //Pass the data to DECRYPT, the private key information 
           //(using RSACryptoServiceProvider.ExportParameters(true),
           //and a boolean flag specifying no OAEP padding.
           decryptedData = RSADecrypt(encryptedData,RSA.ExportParameters(true), false);

           //Display the decrypted plaintext to the console. 
           Console.WriteLine("Decrypted plaintext: {0}", ByteConverter.GetString(decryptedData));
           //Catch this exception in case the encryption did
           //not succeed.
           Console.WriteLine("Encryption failed.");


   static public byte[] RSAEncrypt(byte[] DataToEncrypt, RSAParameters RSAKeyInfo, bool DoOAEPPadding)
           //Create a new instance of RSACryptoServiceProvider.
           RSACryptoServiceProvider RSA = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

           //Import the RSA Key information. This only needs
           //toinclude the public key information.

           //Encrypt the passed byte array and specify OAEP padding.  
           //OAEP padding is only available on Microsoft Windows XP or
           return RSA.Encrypt(DataToEncrypt, DoOAEPPadding);
       //Catch and display a CryptographicException  
       //to the console.
       catch(CryptographicException e)

           return null;


   static public byte[] RSADecrypt(byte[] DataToDecrypt, RSAParameters RSAKeyInfo,bool DoOAEPPadding)
           //Create a new instance of RSACryptoServiceProvider.
           RSACryptoServiceProvider RSA = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

           //Import the RSA Key information. This needs
           //to include the private key information.

           //Decrypt the passed byte array and specify OAEP padding.  
           //OAEP padding is only available on Microsoft Windows XP or
           return RSA.Decrypt(DataToDecrypt, DoOAEPPadding);
       //Catch and display a CryptographicException  
       //to the console.
       catch(CryptographicException e)

           return null;



this example outputs result to Conslole


see link for more info




Edited by sizer
Some people are wise and some are other-wise.

all i want to do is just use a windows form to open a file(with the OpenFileDialog) and encrypt that file

and then use the OpenFileDialog to select a encrypted file and decrypt it and display the stuff in a text box.

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