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Does anyone know if it is possible to bind data directly to a label?


I want to retrieve some information from an SQL database and bind this to a label (writing in vb by the way) so the information can be used to control things within the website.


I have a series of user controls that I want only to be visible if a certain value (retrieved from the sql database) is equal to a certain value. This is essential to the site as it will prevent people from attempting to do things they should not be able to do.


I have all the if statements ready within my application logic to control what I have described, the only thing I am missing is the data.


I have tried binding to a datalist with a label embedded in it, this works fine but then the label becomes inaccessible to any thing else within the webpage. I have also tried creating a global variable, but again the problem is assigning the value retrieved from the database to the global variable.


Any ideas anyone?





I can use either, I only picked Label as it was the first thing that came to my head, a textbox would be fine, as I would set the visibility property to "False" anyway.


Do you know how to bind to a textbox? If you did that would be fantastic.






I have tried your method in several ways and unfortunately I still have the same problem.


I followed your code and had:


<asp:TextBox id="ext1" Width="80px" Runat="server" MaxLength=8 Text='<%# Container.DataItem("expression")%>' >


But to get this to work I had to have it within <asp:repeater> tags.


As soon as it is inside the repeater tag the page displays the data within the text box, but when I then try and assign the text box to a label or a variable:


Dim VariableX As Integer / or Dim VariableX As String

VariableX = ext1.Text


I get:


Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


I am quite stuck on this one, and even though I have got round the initial problem by a long-winded and inefficient method of filling another dataset with data and counting the number of results and making conditional statements dependant on the result, I still want to find out how to bind data to a label and then extract that data and use it throughout my applications. I am sure it can be done, I just can't quite get my head around it yet.


Any suggestions?




Yeah, if it's inside a repeater, you cant reference it like that..


This is how I did it when with a repeater;


Dim DisplayNotesValue As Label = CType(rpAct22.Items(i).FindControl("lblDisplayNotes"), WebControls.Label)


with rpAct22 being the name of the repeater. lblDisplayNotes name of the label.


Or for textbox:


Dim InternalNotesBox As TextBox = CType(rpAct22.Items(i).FindControl("txtInternalNotes"), WebControls.TextBox)


Is this what you want to do?

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