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Is anyone know how to hide the rows in a datagrid? The datagrid consists of a checkbox column, in certain situation, some row will be disable. When user click on a button, it will hide the row which checkbox has been disable


Thank you for any help.





Hi Cavin,



You can use the DataView as datasource for your DataGrid. You can always set the filter on DataView to remove the rows.





Jitesh Sinha

Function BindTable()

sqlQuery = "Select Name, DOB, Gender from PersonalDetails"


Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(sqlGetCandidateDetails, cn)

dt = New DataTable("PersonalDetails")


DataGrid1.DataSource = dt




Dim i As Integer = 0

Dim item As DataGridItem

Dim cr As DataRow


For Each cr In dt.Rows

item = DataGrid1.Items(i)

Dim cb As CheckBox = CType(item.FindControl("cb"), CheckBox)


If cr.Item("Gender") = "M" Then

cb.Checked = True

cb.Enabled = False

End If



End Function


Private Sub btnHide_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnHide.Click

Dim i As Integer

Dim item As DataGridItem

Dim cb As CheckBox


For i = 0 To DataGrid1.Items.Count - 1

item = DataGrid1.Items(i)


cb = CType(item.FindControl("cb"), CheckBox)


If cb.Checked = True And cb.Enabled = False Then



' How to DataView to hide row ??

Dim dv As DataView





End If


End Sub







You may store the data source in session object to make it available between posts to the server -


Function BindTable()



Session("Source") = dt

End Function



Private Sub btnHide_Click(.....)




'Get the indentifier of the records you want to exclude


If cb.Checked = True And cb.Enabled = False Then

'Get the values from the Grid and store in a variable

End If


'Considering you have populate a variable - NameList

' which contains the comma seperated names to be excluded


' Retrieve the data source from session state.

Dim dt As DataTable = CType(Session("Source"), DataTable)


' Create a DataView from the DataTable.

Dim dv As DataView = New DataView(dt)


'Now fileter the record in DataView and bind it to DataGrid

dv.RowFilter = "Name Not In '" & NameList & "%'"

DataGrid1.DataSource = dv



End Sub


Do write to me for if any more clarification needed.



Jitesh Sinha

Private Sub btnHide_Click(.....)




'Get the indentifier of the records you want to exclude

** The identifier will be the checkbox(checked & disable)


If cb.Checked = True And cb.Enabled = False Then

'Get the values from the Grid and store in a variable

???Store all values to variable??

Dim strName as String = item.Cells(1).Text

Dim strDOB as String = item.Cells(2).Text

Dim strGender as String = item.Cells(3).Text

End If


'Considering you have populate a variable - NameList

' which contains the comma seperated names to be excluded

???what's the comma make???


' Retrieve the data source from session state.

Dim dt As DataTable = CType(Session("Source"), DataTable)


' Create a DataView from the DataTable.

Dim dv As DataView = New DataView(dt)


'Now fileter the record in DataView and bind it to DataGrid

dv.RowFilter = "Name Not In '" & NameList & "%'" <-???(filter the names that start with text in variable "NameList???


dv.RowFilter = strName

dv.RowFilter = strDOB

dv.RowFilter = strGender


DataGrid1.DataSource = dv



End Sub






** The identifier will be the checkbox(checked & disable)


Nope, by identifier i mean the column which identifies your record uniquely in your database.


You need a correponding value inorder to identify which rows to be excluded.


I would suggest you to include the one more field (may be PK of the table) in your select statement.


Then you can have a invisible column in datagrid to store your unique record identifier.




'Declare an Array to hold IDs

dim UniqueIDList() as string


For i = 0 To DataGrid1.Items.Count - 1

item = DataGrid1.Items(i)

cb = CType(item.FindControl("cb"), CheckBox)


If cb.Checked = True And cb.Enabled = False Then

'Store the value of IDs to array

'Considering the Cells(0) has the IDs


'UniqueIDList(0) = item.Cells(0).Text


End If



Then, Join the array and make a comma seperated string of IDs.

'Dim sID as string

'sID= UniqueIDList.Join(",")


Now, as you have the ID list, use it in DataView.filter.


Please check the syntax of the above code and modify, if needed. I need to switch too often in between VB.NET and C# for my work. So, most of the time i end up mixing the syntaxes of both:)




Jitesh Sinha

I get an error on sID= UniqueIDList.Join(",")


Error Message: 'Join' is not a member of 'System.Array'


Dim UniqueIDList() as String


'UniqueIDList(0) = item.Cells(0).Text




Is UniqueIDList declare correctly on the above?(declare as String?) How to do the looping for UniqueIDList.


Dim j as integer = 0


UniqueIDList(j) = item.Cells(0).Text

j += 1









'Declare an Array to hold IDs

dim UniqueIDList() as string


For i = 0 To DataGrid1.Items.Count - 1

item = DataGrid1.Items(i)

cb = CType(item.FindControl("cb"), CheckBox)


If cb.Checked = True And cb.Enabled = False Then


'You need to resize the array here

ReDim Preserve UniqueIDList(i)



'Store the value of IDs to array

'Considering the Cells(0) has the IDs


UniqueIDList(i) = item.Cells(0).Text


End If





Notice , the Redim statement above.


I would strongly suggest you to go through some tutorial on Array usage in VB.NET.



Jitesh Sinha

Syntax error: Missing operand before ',' operator.


dv.RowFilter = sID


I think this is made error -> sID = String.Join(",", UniqueIDList)




You can't just write

dv.RowFilter = sID


It should be like:


'Now fileter the record in DataView and bind it to DataGrid

dv.RowFilter = "YourIDField Not In (" & sID & ")"



You can have any delimiter as long as they don't mess up with your data item.




Jitesh Sinha

I got this error:


Syntax error: Missing operand before ',' operator.


So, I check the sID -> Response.Write(sID)

It was a comma prefix the uniqueID. For Example: ,UniqueID,Unique


Then I try to remove the comma in join funtion like this

sID = String.Join("", UniqueIDList)


And get this error:


Cannot find column [YourIDField].


Oh, I put wrong IDFieldName in the "YourIDField". But I still get same error of Syntax error: Missing operand before ',' operator.


As I mentioned above, I try to show the string of sID, it show like below:






I believe that the comma in the begining cause the error. How can I remove that?


I had try to used one of the UniqueID like below and successfully get the result.

dv.RowFilter = "UniqueID <> 'abc0001'"


So, how can I solve this problem?






Instead of thinking about removing the "," from the begining of the string you should find out the reason as to why it is there.


The obvious reason could be that the first value of item.Cells(0).Text in blank.


Now, you may would like to check item.Cells(0).Text value before it is stored in the array.


Something like :



if item.Cells(0).Text <> "" then

UniqueIDList(i) = item.Cells(0).Text

end if



But then you should also investigate that why is it blank.


I would again suggest you go through some good book. And through tutorial and try looking at the problem logically.



Jitesh Sinha

No value in item.Cells(0).Text is blank, I did check for it.


Like this


UniqueIDList(i) = item.Cells(0).Text




But If I show the sID, it must show the comma from the begining

You are right, first value of item.Cells(0).Text in blank. But I store the value to the UniqueIDList(i) is when the checkbox was checked and also being disable.

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