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I would like to populate a listbox with the window's networking name (computer name) of all clients within a LAN. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
- The only true knowledge is knowing that you know nothing.
Ok' date=' I will look into that, thank you for your quick response.[/quote']


No problem. If you want some sample code, try downloading the SOSOS application from planet source code. It's probably in the Hall of Fame section (or something like that).

-Ben LaBore

Here is a sample class that lists SQL Servers on the Network, you should be able to moderfy it for all machines.


Public Class clsNetAPI32
   Private Const SV_TYPE_SQLSERVER = &H4S
   ' NetServerEnum Return Values 
   Private Const ERR_SUCCESS = 0
   Private Const ERROR_MORE_DATA As Int32 = 234
   Private Const ERROR_NO_BROWSER_SERVERS_FOUND As Int32 = 6118I

   Private Structure SERVER_INFO_100
       Dim sv100_platform_id As Integer
       Dim sv100_name As Integer
   End Structure
   ' level : Specifies the information level of the data 
   ' bufptr : Pointer to the buffer that receives the data 
   ' prefmaxlen : Specifies the preferred maximum length of returned data, in bytes 
   ' entriesread : Pointer to a value that receives the count of elements actually enumerated 
   ' totalentries : Pointer to a value that receives the total number of visible servers and workstations on the network 
   ' servertype : Specifies a value that filters the server entries to return from the enumeration 
   ' domain : Pointer to a constant string that specifies the name of the domain for which a list of servers is to be returned 
   ' resume_handle : Reserved; must be set to zero 
   Private Declare Unicode Function NetServerEnum Lib "netapi32" _
         (ByVal servername As IntPtr _
         , ByVal level As Integer _
         , ByRef bufptr As IntPtr _
         , ByVal prefmaxlen As Integer _
         , ByRef entriesread As Integer _
         , ByRef totalentries As Integer _
         , ByVal servertype As Integer _
         , ByVal domain As IntPtr _
         , ByVal resume_handle As Integer _
         ) As Integer

   Private Declare Function NetApiBufferFree Lib "netapi32" _
    (ByVal BufPtr As IntPtr) As Integer

   Public Function GetListOfServers(ByRef colSQLServers As Collection) As Boolean

       Dim sServerName As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
       Dim iLevel As Integer = 100
       Dim lBufPtr As IntPtr
       Dim iprefMaxLen As Integer = -1
       Dim iEntriesRead As Integer
       Dim iTotalEntries As Integer
       Dim sDomain As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
       Dim iResumeHandle As Integer = 0
       Dim iReturnValue As Integer

       Dim sctSrvList As SERVER_INFO_100
       Dim nStructSize As Integer = Marshal.SizeOf(sctSrvList)
       Dim scSQLServers As New Specialized.StringCollection
       Dim iIndex As Integer

       colSQLServers = New Collection
       iReturnValue = NetServerEnum(sServerName _
                                   , iLevel _
                                   , lBufPtr _
                                   , iprefMaxLen _
                                   , iEntriesRead _
                                   , iTotalEntries _
                                   , SV_TYPE_SQLSERVER _
                                   , sDomain _
                                   , iResumeHandle _
       If iReturnValue = ERR_SUCCESS Then
           ' Loop through each SQL Server returned by the NetServerEnum call 
           For iIndex = 0 To iEntriesRead - 1
               ' Convert each SQL Server entry into a SERVER_INFO_100 structure 
               sctSrvList = DirectCast(Marshal.PtrToStructure(New IntPtr(lBufPtr.ToInt32 + (nStructSize * iIndex)) _
                                                             , GetType(SERVER_INFO_100) _
                                                             ) _
                                      , SERVER_INFO_100 _
               ' Add each SQL Server SERVER_INFO_100 structure entry into the StringCollection 
               scSQLServers.Add(Marshal.PtrToStringUni(New IntPtr(sctSrvList.sv100_name)))

       End If

       ' Clean up regardless of iReturnValue 
       Call NetApiBufferFree(lBufPtr)

       ' Move from String Collection to Array To Collection 
       ' I only return the list as a collection because 
       ' collections are what I am used to 
       Dim sSQLServers(scSQLServers.Count - 1) As String
       scSQLServers.CopyTo(sSQLServers, 0)
       For iIndex = 0 To sSQLServers.GetUpperBound(0)
       Return True

   End Function

End Class

Glenn "Mykre" Wilson, DirectX MVP

Inner Realm

Managed DirectX and Game Programming Resources

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