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Posted (edited)

I have two classes, like these:


Class MainClass
   Inherits SubClass

   Private NewClass as SubClass

   Public Function Test()
       NewClass = new SubClass

       Messagebox.show("TestBox :p")
   End Function

   Public Overrides SubFunction()
       Messagebox.show("Yup it works!!")
   End Function
End Class

Class SubClass
   Public Function DoSomething()
       'Do something
       'Do something
   End Function

   Public Overridable Function SubFunction()
       'Should be overwritten
   End Function
End Class


But only the first messagebox appears... What am i doing wrong? I get no errors or anything..

Edited by Loffen
Erutangis a si tahw
  • Administrators

Just looking at your code - what did you expect to happen? Haven't got VS installed here so I can't step through it and it looks a bit convaluted to follow through by hand.

It should display a message box saying "TestBox :p" - is that happening?

In the line


did you mean


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Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them.

-- Albert Einstein

Posted (edited)
did you mean


Err... Yeah i did mean that... *Fixed*


Actually this is a part of my game made with DirectX, Where SubFunction is the Render() function... Posting the class again whith changes... Hope it get clearer then...


[color=Blue]Class[/color] GameEngine
   [color=Blue]Inherits[/color] GraphicsEngine

   [color=Blue]Private[/color] Graphics [color=Blue]as[/color] GraphicsEngine

   [color=Green]'This is called from form1..[/color]
   [color=Blue]Public Function[/color] Init()
       Graphics = [color=Blue]new[/color] GraphicsEngine

       Messagebox.show("Init Success")
   [color=Blue]End Function[/color]

   [color=Blue]Public Overrides Function[/color] Render()
       Messagebox.show("In overrides Render()")
   [color=Blue]End Function
End Class[/color]

[color=Blue]Class[/color] GraphicsEngine
   [color=Blue]Public Function[/color] RenderLoop()


   [color=Blue]End Function[/color]

   [color=Blue]Public Overridable Function[/color] Render()
       [color=Green]'Should be overwritten[/color]
   [color=Blue]End Function
End Class[/color]

Edited by Loffen
Erutangis a si tahw

Neee.... not 100% sure what you mean?? I want to run the code inside: Public Overrides Function Render(). The overwritten function is only there so my Graphics Class knows what function to call uring rendering. And as the object rendered are different from game to game. Later i probably will put the whole Graphics class into a dll, thets why i need the function so the 'caller' can render whatever the 'caller' wants


Public Overridable Function Render()

'Should be overwritten. Nothing inside here sould be executed, only inside the other Render()

End Function


Public Overrides Function Render()

Messagebox.show("In overrides Render()")

'Here the code sould be executed...

End Function


!! It wont let me place MyBase.Render() inside Public Overridable Function Render()

Erutangis a si tahw
  • Administrators

Sorry - mis-understood your problem.


In your init method you are declaring a variable of type GraphicsEngine - so when you call render you will get the GraphicsEngine version of the function.


What you need to do is declare a variable of type GameEngine:

   Public Function Init()
       Graphics = New GameEngine

       Messagebox.show("Init Success")
   End Function

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Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them.

-- Albert Einstein


Didnt understand that 100% ether? Ill post my GameEngine Class... The code i am talking about is almost at the bottom..


[color=Blue]Imports[/color] Microsoft.DirectX
[color=Blue]Imports[/color] Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D
[color=Blue]Imports[/color] Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.D3DX
[color=Blue]Imports[/color] System.Math

[color=Blue]Public Class[/color] GameEngine
   [color=Blue]Inherits[/color] GraphicsEngine

   [color=Blue]Public[/color] Graphics [color=Blue]As[/color] GraphicsEngine

   [color=Blue]Public Function[/color] Init([color=Blue]ByVal[/color] Target [color=Blue]As[/color] System.Windows.Forms.Form)
       Graphics = [color=Blue]New[/color] GraphicsEngine

       Graphics.BackBufferWidth = 800
       Graphics.BackBufferHeight = 600
       Graphics.BackBufferFormat = Format.A8R8G8B8
       Graphics.BackBufferCount = 1

       Graphics.SwapEffect = SwapEffect.Copy
       Graphics.PresentInterval = PresentInterval.One
       Graphics.CreateFlags = CreateFlags.HardwareVertexProcessing [color=Blue]Or[/color] CreateFlags.MultiThreaded
       Graphics.DeviceType = DeviceType.Hardware

       Graphics.GraphicsTarget = Target


       [color=Green]'This is the map object[/color]
       Graphics.Map = [color=Blue]New[/color] GraphicsMap
       Graphics.Map.LoadMap(Graphics.Device, "testmap")

       Graphics.Player = [color=Blue]New[/color] GraphicsSprite(Graphics.Device, Application.StartupPath & "\objects\human1\human1.bmp", New Point(0, 0), 16, 16, &HFF00FF00)

       '// Different font types
       Graphics.MessageText = [color=Blue]New[/color] GraphicsText(Graphics.Device, "Verdana", 8, FontStyle.Bold)
       Graphics.MissionText = [color=Blue]New[/color] GraphicsText(Graphics.Device, "Verdana", 18)
       Graphics.HUDText = [color=Blue]New[/color] GraphicsText(Graphics.Device, "Verdana", 22, FontStyle.Bold)

       [color=Blue]While[/color] Graphics.GraphicsRunning = [color=Blue]True[/color]
           [color=Green]'This is the function wich again calls the Overridable Render() function..[/color]
[color=Red][b] !! HERE !![/b][/color]

       [color=Blue]End While[/color]


[color=Blue]        End
   End Function

[color=Red][b]!! AND HERE !![/b][/color]
   Public Overrides Function[/color] Render()
       [color=Green]'The message box wont pop up...[/color]
       MessageBox.Show("Inside the correct render function!!")
   [color=Blue]End Function

End Class[/color]

Erutangis a si tahw
  • Administrators

At the top you have

Public Class GameEngine
   Inherits GraphicsEngine

   Public Graphics As GraphicsEngine

this means you are declaring a variable called Graphics of type GraphicsEngine


later on you have

While Graphics.GraphicsRunning = True
           'This is the function wich again calls the Overridable Render() function..

       End While

in this code you are calling the GraphicsRenderLoop method of the Graphics object, within the Graphics object's GraphicsRenderLoop you are making a call to a Render method - because the variable Graphics was declared as type GraphicsEngine you get the GraphicsEngine's version of this method.


If you want to call the overridden method declared in the GameEngine class then you need to declare a variable of Type GameEngine.


However because your GameEngine class inherits from GraphicsEngine you do not need to declare a variable to access the GraphicsEngine's functionality.


You should be able to declare the code within the GameEngine like

Imports Microsoft.DirectX
Imports Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D
Imports Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.D3DX
Imports System.Math

Public Class GameEngine
   Inherits GraphicsEngine

   Public Function Init(ByVal Target As System.Windows.Forms.Form)
       BackBufferWidth = 800
       BackBufferHeight = 600
       BackBufferFormat = Format.A8R8G8B8
       BackBufferCount = 1

       SwapEffect = SwapEffect.Copy
       PresentInterval = PresentInterval.One
       CreateFlags = CreateFlags.HardwareVertexProcessing Or CreateFlags.MultiThreaded
       DeviceType = DeviceType.Hardware

       GraphicsTarget = Target


       'This is the map object
       Map = New GraphicsMap
       Map.LoadMap(Device, "testmap")

       Player = New GraphicsSprite(Device, Application.StartupPath & "\objects\human1\human1.bmp", New Point(0, 0), 16, 16, &HFF00FF00)

       '// Different font types
       MessageText = New GraphicsText(Device, "Verdana", 8, FontStyle.Bold)
       MissionText = New GraphicsText(Device, "Verdana", 18)
       HUDText = New GraphicsText(Device, "Verdana", 22, FontStyle.Bold)

       While GraphicsRunning = True
           'This is the function wich again calls the Overridable Render() function..

       End While


   End Function

   Public Overrides Function Render()
       'The message box wont pop up...
       MessageBox.Show("Inside the correct render function!!")
   End Function

End Class

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Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them.

-- Albert Einstein

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