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I am trying to learn Generics with C# and tried following code:


#region Using directives


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;




namespace Generics


class Program


static void Main(string[] args)


Console.WriteLine("5+2 = " + Math.Add<int>(5,6));

Console.WriteLine("1.2 + 3.3 = " + Math.Add<float>(1.2F, 3.3F));





class Math


public static T Add<T>(T a,T b)


return (a + b);






It gives the compile time error message "Operator '+' cannot be applied to operands of type 'T' and 'T'". Is this C# bug or something else. Appreciate for experts help.


Edited by raju_shrestha
At runtime T could be any class at all' date=' and as such may not have the + operator defined - hence you cannot reliably use the + operator here.[/quote']


But can't it be done using some kind of constraints for say Numerics (or some other way). Such kind of situations occur in many cases and the real benefit of Generics can be achieved if it supports these.

http://blogs.msdn.com/csharpfaq/archive/2004/03/12/88913.aspx might be worth a read as it covers this area. Also note that you didn't need the <int> and <float> on the calls in Main


Thanks for the link. Also thanks for the note, which I knew that it can implicitly infer the integer and float types.


I'm going through the article. But still I feel .Net Generics is at its infant stage and I believe its architects will finally realize the benefit for allowing the operations once it gets mature.


I really appreciatef for your response.

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