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Hi .Net fellows...




A'm creating a 2D, futuristic, turn based submarine game in .NET... I was just wondering if this would interest anyone. A'm mainly a GFX and Sound FX guy so, may weak point for this project resides in programming. The Engine252 fellow join me with this project, but i was wondering if someone else would like to contribute in any matter, even moral support will be truly apreciated.


About the game:


Imagine Fallout, Silent Hunter II and Star Trek missed all together... weird huh? Not really...

Fallout essence lays down on the character creation (in this case the submarine construction) and the "turn based" feature.

The silent hunter II essence is only to excuse myself with part of the games concept, that is, "it's a submarine game!" :) Star Treck influences the game by having power to be used in everything on this game, including weapons. The submarines torpedos r based on star treks energy torpedos which gave the game the ability to fire "unlimited" torpedos. On this game, the number of torpedos that can be fired is are limited to the available power on ur submarine. Energy shields are also influenced by the star trek movie :)


The bellow attributes change many secondary attributes of ur vessel like maximum deph, available space, size, air capacity, maximum flood sustain, incoming power per turn, power upkeep etc...


Main attriburtes: (100 idenpendent points to modify these attributes)



External Hull

Internal Hull




Power Cells

Storage Cells


Noise Protection


Bellow r the attributes related to ur crew... (50 idenpendent points to modify these attributes)


Amount of Crew

Attack score

Defense score

scanning / hacking score

Repair score

Hazzard score


Then, there will be 8 weapons to choose from. The weapons have a minimum and maximum damage setting with diferent energy consumes and reload times. When u fire a weapon there will be a ramdom generated value between min. and max. settings... Beware that weapons like many other Main Attributes will consume the subs cargo space. the fewer the space u have the less oxigen ur ship will be able to hold, meaning surface more often for air ressuply.



In fallout u could choose perks, in my game u can choose 3 special equipments like optmizers, which benefects things like increasing the dive speed, engine maximum speed, extending shields score and other kind of equipment like noise protection, cloak device and many other...



The games gameplay:


There r two types of rounds, or turns if u prefer, the active one and the passive one. After both players have created their war machines, faith will decide which one of them will play first in the active round.

After faith decide who will play first, both players seat in front of the submarines main control panel, from there, they will control their vessel with the diference of one being in the active round and the other in the passive round (Players switch passive / active round end of turn). Lets say player 1 will be the first to play in the active round, this means he/she will be abled to perform many tasks, tasks that will consume "Time Units" (like action points). (NOTE: The amount of Time Units u have were defined by the amount of crew u did assign.)

Here are the some of the major tasks u can perform while in the active round.


ACtivate / deactivate equipment:

All the vessels active equipment will consume power, and, when power is consumed, energy disturbances will be produced , this disturbances r only captured by the psy-scanner, ur sonar like device, so, bsasicaly, here u choose which equipment to Power ON or shutdown. (I will explain more about this energy disturbances later, which is one of the games main gameplay factor) Here u can also power ON ur energy shield which is the submarines primary defensive property.


Strategic screen:

Here u will access the arena battle map from top view (like a world map) and perform tasks like scanning, moving the vessel, changing speed and lock on enimie target if its location is revealed!.


Status / repair screen:

This will list on the main screen all the information about ur vessel, like the condition of ur equipment. if any equipment is damage u can try to fix it.


Weapons Screen:

You can ready weapons to fire by charging / uncharging them on this screen.


Alert modes screen:

From this screen u have access to all the submarines alert level. Here are the possible alert modes to choose from, each one will affect the crews mood in deferent ways:


Ring for Safe - Ur alertness level will be zero allowing ur crew to leave the stress level and restore its mood but penalizing ALL ur crew scores (see the crews attributes at the top). Consider this like putting ur crew in rest mode.


Ring for Silent running - The alertness level and the crew scores will slightly increase. the crews mood will slowly decrease each turn by 5 points and the some equipment is powered OFF for noise reduction.


Ring for Stealth - The alertness level and the crew scores will increase even more as the mood will decrease even faster, 10 points. Most equipment is powered OFF for noise reduction.


Ring for PlayDead - This will Power OFF almost everything for noise reduction. Your crew mood decrease rate will be by 10 points, the same as in stealth mode.

Ring for Yellow Alert - force some required equipment to power ON. your crew mood will be decrease by 15 points but the crew scores will also be much better.


Ring for Red Alert - force some required equipment do power ON. Your crew mood will decrease by 20 points per turn. but the crew scores will also be greatly increased.


Ring for Impact - This is a temporarely Alert mode. Your crew will be notified that there is an almost 100% propability of the submarine being hit. this will greatly decrease the number of casualties, fire outbreaks and flood levels because ur crew will be prepared for impact.


(NOTE: Well, I still need to think more about this alert modes... so consider them kinda beta.)



During player 1 turn, there will be a noise counter which will be incremented every X seconds, so the quicker he/she finishes his turn the less noise will sent at the end of the turn.

There are also two types of energy noises, the "Base Noise" and the "Dynamic Noise". The "Base Noise" which its score is modified during the vessels construction, is the noise created by the vessels internal systems. It can only be modified during the game with the "Noise Protection".

On the other hand, "Dynamic Noise" is changed during the gameplay by almost any active equipment like shields, engine, power cells, psyscanner, etc. and emmidiately energy consumes like charging weapons.


Now lets imagine Player 1 revealed Player 2 location in his first turn. (althought this is impossible to happen since they will be always far away on the very beggining of the match)

(NOTE: the scanning sucess will depend of distance, enimies base noise and dynamic noise, own crew scanning /hacking score and own Psy-scanner attribute) After Player 1 get the enimie vessels coordenates he can Lock-ON the vessel, after doing this, Player 1 will have two aditional tasks that he might perform: either hack the enimie vessel for information or attack it.

Hacking is quite usefull, you can retrieve precisous to info with it like, shields strength, hull readings, available special equipment, on board weapons, max depth etc. This will greatly decide the best way to engage the enimie vessel because u can learn the vessels weakest / strongest points.


Anyway, now lets go to the Player 2 seat. Imagine Player 1 did lock-on on Player 2's vessel, Player 2 will emmidiately be notified of being Locked-ON and this is where he can perform tasks in passive turn.

He/she will have the following options:


- detonate special equipment. (like a Psy-scanner nuke which will shortcut enimies Psy-scanner device throught the Lock-On beam to free it self form the Lock-ON)

- Change the Alert mode on the submarine (Red Alert is advised ;)

- Raise Shields

- try to locate the Lock-Ons Beam source (trys to spot Player 1 vessels. The success of this will greatly depend of distance between both submarines, the score of psy-scanner and crews scanning score of Player 2 ship.)


And if player 1 attacks, Player 2 will have two more options:

- Perform evasive actions (usefull when ur shield strength is low or gave out, althought the evasive success will greatly depend of the vessels top speed.)

- And fire seekers (if u have any seeker bow). These are torpedo like contermeasures that will seek and detonate on the incoming torpedos.



Its important to keep in mind that all tasks in the game consume time units, so, to perform tasks in the passive round u will have to save Time units from the previous round...

For example, U start the active round with 87 Time Units, u spend 12 TU to power on shields, u dive 600 meters for 20TU, u move the vessel north for another 20TU and u end the turn. U have spent a total of 52TU leaving 35TU for the passive round. At the beginning of the next Active round ur time units will be 87 again if none of ur crew members were killed in a possible strike...



Well, I hope this can give u an ideia of how the game works...

I could post more information but first, I want to know if this awakes any curiosity at all. There is too much details and things u can do in the game, this is a small resume.

Edited by EFileTahi-A
Posted (edited)

Some side notes:

the game is mainly designed to be played online, with "Engine252" talent and skills in C# I hope to acomplish this. As I mention above, the game is 2D with no outside views, (like in a real sub) It's like playing sub command with 3D views off, restricting u to control panels only. Am mainly working on the graphics which r being build in 3D (cinema 4D). The main game control screen and the submarine construction center is nearly finished. Feel free to contatct me over MSN if u want to see them or for any other good reason.


I apologize for my crappy enlgish and bad grammar (english is not my main language ya know ;).


MSN: efiletahi@hotmail.com


So? Any comments at all?

Edited by EFileTahi-A

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