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I am developing a program that has many .jpeg files in it. what method is

the best to use for working with them in the program. I have not worked

with picture files before. in this program you should be able to add ,

show,delete a picture. if any good and easy thing that can edit pictures

that would be a plus. any third party or a windows tool that can help me.


any information, article, software , any clue in this regard is appriciated


  • Leaders

Well, you can use an arraylist of bitmaps.



Dim Jpgs As ArrayList 'Declare the arraylist.


Jpgs = New Arraylist(50) 'Initialize the arraylist.


Jpgs.Add(New Bitmap(filename)) 'Add a bitmap to the arraylist.


Dim Pic As Bitmap = DirectCast(Jpgs(0), Bitmap) :)

'Retrieve an item from the arraylist.

Iceplug, USN

One of my coworkers thinks that I believe that drawing bullets is the most efficient way of drawing bullets. Whatever!!! :-(

  • *Experts*

Visual Basic .Net by Evangelos Petroutsos has an excellent section on bitmap editing using managed code with VB's standard controls. You'll probably be able to accomplish everything you need with this book.


Also, depending on the size of the jpeg files, you might be better off "storing" them on the hard drive. The book will explain (step by step) everything about this for you.

Member, in good standing, of the elite fraternity of mentally challenged programmers.


Dolphins Software

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