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I have a problem to get "Network status". I use


Private Declare Function InternetGetConnectedState Lib "wininet.dll" ( _
               ByRef lpSFlags As Long, _
               ByVal dwReserved As Long) _
       As Boolean

Private Declare Function InternetGetConnectedState Lib "wininet.dll" ( _
               ByRef lpdwFlags As Integer, _
               ByVal dwReserved As Integer) _
       As Boolean


and check function


Public Function IsConnectedLife() As Boolean
               Dim dwflags As Integer
               'Returns true if there is any internet connection. 
               IsConnectedLife = InternetGetConnectedState(dwflags, 0)

       End Function



and I always returns me "TRUE", even I took a network cable out.


Please, help me HOW I can get REAL network connection STATUS.




  • *Experts*
Works for me. Are you by any chance using a router? If yes try unplugging the cable from the router, instead of unplugging the router from the modem, this worked for me.
Works for me. Are you by any chance using a router? If yes try unplugging the cable from the router' date=' instead of unplugging the router from the modem, this worked for me.[/quote']



I want to check just Local PC's connection status. A Program check at the first a connection status himself and is no connection shows a message.

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