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ok... i have a simple query... really simple


string sql="UPDATE tblParametre SET image=\"" + nomFichier[nomFichier.Length-1] +"\"" ;



wich gives: "UPDATE tblParametre SET image="goutte.JPG""


the name of the pic is only a string... the UPDATE works well if i put it directly in access, but from my code it just wont work


the SQL.ExecuteNonQuery comes directly from msdn


	public static void ExecuteNonQuery(string sql)
		OleDbConnection conn = null;

			conn = new OleDbConnection(
				"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " + 
				"Data Source=" +  HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("rootInextenso.mdb"));

			OleDbCommand cmd = 
				new OleDbCommand(sql, conn);
			//  catch (Exception e)
			//  {
			//      Response.Write(e.Message);
			//      Response.End();
			//  }
			if (conn != null)  conn.Close();


i really cant see what's wrog with this code...


im getting an: Syntax error in the UPDATE statement... wich does not make sense... i tryed to chang the " " " to " ' " i tryed to put a where anything not like something (just to say i had a where... even if it's uselless cuz i dont want any since i want it to apply to the whole table)

... not working

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