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"....NET have same great features..." I thought to my self when Î was trying it for the first time, the great things were that everything could get transparent. This is great because I could expand my projects without the need of using directx or something more complexeir. I could simply grab images put some text on make the text transparent and thats it! NOOOOOOOOOO its not like "...and thats it!" Yeah, everything can go transparent, so what? It's refresh rate / time / method whatever, is truly awfull because its slow and adds crazy graphic noise while refresh is in progress... Why did then spend time doing this AWESOME FEATURES that will only be used by ppl that probaly have no prefection sense, minimum estetic concept or simply don't care if it's ugly or not?


So, i have to move on to System.drawing.graphics and make everything manual... no more .visible .text .backcolor etc. this way. I have always to create a ton of procedures to have manual labels which can also have mouse clicks, color change etc...


Ok, to slow down things a bit more, functions need always something in change before I can call them, Object sender, systemEvents, PainEventsArgs and there is a "e" sometimes a "eg" ETs..


Am loosing tons of time while trying to do basic things like, calling functions...


public void _parent_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
		SolidBrush b = new SolidBrush(this._ForeColor);
		Graphics g = e.Graphics;


So what do I need to call this function? _parent_paint(even tryed my wifes name here);


Can someone point me to a tutorial where can i understand all what this object senders, systemArgs things if I want call then inside it's declaration class or form ?


hi i believe i can help you out here


look it besicly is the same for every event the sender is usualy the object that it

fireing the event so if your object is a form class object it will be the form that fires the event so you can asume the sender your getting will be the form your using


and the eventArgs well thats the data you can use or you get from that event

be glad you get it in some cases you can change the values to have like cool effects

like you can change a color at the last time or change text or do other stuf


but i think your problem is that you should make some reusable classes that do all stuff you said in you post. like you could create a button yourself witch is a 1 time job and add features like fast transparancy or make it cool translucent with a nice soft color at the code project they have lots of good tutorials. you should check out there site


if you need any help creating some classes i'm am willing to help you get started


help i sorted out some things for ya buy

"....NET have same great features..." I thought to my self when Î was trying it for the first time, the great things were that everything could get transparent. ... It's refresh rate / time / method whatever, is truly awfull because its slow and adds crazy graphic noise while refresh is in progress... Why did then spend time doing this AWESOME FEATURES that will only be used by ppl that probaly have no prefection sense, minimum estetic concept or simply don't care if it's ugly or not?



Before using a complex framework like .Net you should try to understand it's basic features. I'm not halfway through to call myself a beginner although I spent some time working with it now.

Don't judge something you don't know and your question about events obviously proves that you don't know a lot about the WindowsForms library (not only it's functionality but concept).

A lot of people (including myself) start off with some windows forms applications and see the benefit of the designer and get depressed when they find out that there's more to it than just learn how to use certain controls.

At this point you either love it or hate it. The latter won't stay with it for long.

Bottomline: Winforms is not some magic library that does all that gfx stuff as good (fast) as directX.

Debug me...
Posted (edited)
Before using a complex framework like .Net you should try to understand it's basic features.


What do u think am doing here? That's what am trying to do, understand the basic features, and during this part it's natural ppl go frustrated... otherwise I would not be posting here... Am reading tutorials and using the MSDN help... Am not just wishing that i can learn all this during a dream with a mermaid next time I go to bed.


I'm not halfway through to call myself a beginner although I spent some time working with it now.


I have about 2.5 weeks of C#. so, I think u can imagine the huge confusion with c# inside my head right now...


Don't judge something you don't know and your question about events obviously proves that you don't know a lot about the WindowsForms library


I'm not judging it, am simply saying that its transparent redraws are slow (and that's a fact, and, against facts there are no possible arguments) and that I don't understand some things like the calling args...


Yes I don't know alot of windowsForms Library. I though nobody would notice this, but yeah, u caugh me! Am just trying to understand it, and hoping ppl here will help me...


A lot of people (including myself) start off with some windows forms applications and see the benefit of the designer and get depressed when they find out that there's more to it than just learn how to use certain controls.

At this point you either love it or hate it. The latter won't stay with it for long.



So u are aware that ppl might get drepressed (specialy at the learning phase, and not because I found "...there's more to it...") and even start to hating it or loving .NET... So, I truly don't understand your moral lesson here...


Winforms is not some magic library that does all that gfx stuff as good (fast) as directX.


You mean .NET, as VB6 was d*** fast with graphics (with no directX). If .NET is not fast with graphics (transparent stuff) dont blame "WindowsForms Library" as VB6 proved the inverse. I also read something here about GDI in .NET not being "yet" hardware acelerated... mmmm...


Conclusion, In my first post it was obviously that I was pisst off (still am). So, when ppl is pisst off, their mood becomes diferent, sometimes means caution you know... (Maybe I should change the topic name to "truly pisst off!" so ppl can realize this, or, something like, I don't know...). The previous persons who post before you realized this and their concern was trying to help me out (thk you mates, realy apreciate that!!) so, don't get hard feelings on this one... I only wrote things this way because u came here with a "Daddy" attitude and did not help at all.


PS: Tks m8, Althought you told me nothing new, it did not help either... Don't bother answering if ur not going to help me.

Edited by EFileTahi-A

Hey buddy :)



What do u think am doing here? That's what am trying to do' date=' understand the basic features, and during this part it's natural ppl go frustrated... otherwise I would not be posting here... Am reading tutorials and using the MSDN help... Am not just wishing that i can learn all this during a dream with a mermaid next time I go to bed.[/quote']

Need to get a book with the basics in it.


MSDN is very spuratic and trying to REALLY figure out a MSDN article can require weeks at times. Why?


Well you need to understand the topic and normally that means understanding the underlying topics. It's just like english or any other language. If you read a sentence and you don't understand something - you have to go look it up. Otherwise you're just kinda hedging along and don't have a solid foundation.


Without a solid foundation, if anything goes wrong or changes (and they always do) you're stuck up the creek without a paddle trying to get something to work differently.


If you can find a GOOD tutorial that runs from A-Z on a site, take it. I havn't found it yet so I'd suggest at least getting a "C#" basics book.


I think it's silly normally to try to learn from 80 different tutorials on the net. If you need to know something specific - well that's fine.


In learning a language, you can't have holes in your learning. You need it to transition from one topic to another and build on itself, laying a nice foundation.


I have about 2.5 weeks of C#. so, I think u can imagine the huge confusion with c# inside my head right now...

2.5 weeks and you're banging your head into custom controls, custom drawing, GDI+ and whatnot.


You might need to take a step back and work on the basics.


You come from vb6 - a similar language - but it's not object oriented.


I'm not judging it, am simply saying that its transparent redraws are slow (and that's a fact, and, against facts there are no possible arguments) and that I don't understand some things like the calling args...[/quotes]


It's transparent redraws were just fine. It was the transparent redraws over a picture with really high resolution that was slowing you down.


In sprite animation it's the transparency that normally slows things down. a lot.


To make up for this and the same redraw issue you had, they draw to an artificial screen in RAM, then draw the entire screen at once.


In essence - by taking the easy way out - you're drawing the background then each individual control.


I'm not going to say it's more correct, but the more optimised way is to throw it all into memory and draw at once.


That means not having a "Form background" and 40 controls.


This isn't even .net programming, but what I learned in VB6 for making games (which I never really finished) - straight up theory applicable to all languages.


You mean .NET, as VB6 was d*** fast with graphics (with no directX). If .NET is not fast with graphics (transparent stuff) dont blame "WindowsForms Library" as VB6 proved the inverse. I also read something here about GDI in .NET not being "yet" hardware acelerated... mmmm...

GDI+ is more unified and integrated than GDI in vb6.


You're not using GDI+. You're comparing and object oriented forms library with VB6 hardcoded forms - complete with labels that arn't really controls.


When you're using GDI+, you're not using controls. You either have a 100% blank form or maybe a picturebox you're drawing into.


You're drawing the picture, text over the picture, working in a native .bmp file, etc.


.Net has it's own downfalls without you attributing new ones because you're not using it properly.


I remember when .net came out, someone did a bunch of benchmarks comparing vb6 to vb.net (2002 I guess) in many ways. VB6 came out on top every test. Why? The guy had been using vb (4,5,6) for years. vb.net was new. he was trying to do things the vb6 way.


The funny thing is that after a few months, he went back and redid the benchmarks with the new knowledge he'd gained in learning how to use .net - it's optimizations, etc. No, it didn't win every time, but it performed a lot better in comparison and came out on top on some things.


This is why you need fundamentals and experience.


Anyone can make a control. Divil's the only one I know who can make a control fully functional in runtime and fully optimized. He knows windows forms better than most other people on this site - I'd hazzard to say more than most people not working in MS right now.


You can use vb.net to open a textfile and complain that it's so slow. There are like 5 ways to do it in .net. Even using StreamReader, there are multiple optimizations and some scream in comparison!



Honestly I would suggest picking up a book - either something like "Complete C#" or maybe MCAD for C# Windows applications. You may not want to become MCAD certified, but I see nothing wrong with learning the "proper" practices right off the bat :)


'luck with the subs :D


it's not becuals you have the manuals and the explenation on some things you can actualy use it. You need some besic technieques on how to get things organized i'm not firing at enyone here and i do think divil hase some greate controls but i do to believe that with some good help that anyone can create good controls aswell but you need some besic idea of how things actualy work.


for example when i first started programming may dream was to create a game at first i thout a big 3d game but soon i began to relize it's not that easy so i started small and desided to create a breakout style game (a classic for every starting game programmer) and that ,something that seemd so simple wasn't simple at all becauls i had to do it all by my self ,no helping ,no samples ,nothing just turbo pascal (at that time) so it was hard. but then when i finaly made the game it got me going i undertood the basics of a game, now i can create any type of game since in the end they all work the same.


see that is why i think if you give peoeple smoe help on getting started they will learn things faster and eventualy create greate things their self.


this is why i think forums are a grate place to learn and i am willing to give peoeple with some ambitian that help to get the going.


so if you need me or want to ask me something on msn EfileTahi


Vanhecke_Mario@msn.com is my adress


Well thaks for the replies m8s... realy i like ya alot (Denaes and engine252)


I wish so much to learn... My biggest dream is to work as game designer :), u know... talk to ppl to share my ideias and make them bring it to life, there is just so bright and awesome minds at game developing companies, I call then the ELITE of the planet since u find there all the best GFX, musicians and programmers! but... since this is quite impossible (being a game designer) I have to manualy bring those projects to life by myself! lol


Engine252 u can make any game? God knows I wish to have ur acknowledge :D... that's why I just gave up on normal life and am studying C# day and night!


Hey, one final question... Denaes remember when i sent my project yesterday and it went weird by everthing being at wrong place and text box who did overlapped? Well, when I open my project at my jobs computer, the project opened exactly like the picture u sent me (with the aboves description)..


My labels were all too far right... and the form was way too wide! why did this happens? it opens ok at my homes computer... is there an service pack for .NET or something? D***!!!... Just went a few more steps backwords... Looks like everything is against me or something...


PS: why was my topic name changed? funny... ahh... maybe so that my topic can be categorized (right?)

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