rifter1818 Posted August 14, 2004 Posted August 14, 2004 Im having trouble with 3d Text (Mesh.FromText) in the fact that no matter what font i send to it its allways the same new Font("Arial",12) == new Font("Arial",4) == new Font("Courier",32). Someone help me avoid the facist font ideals of Directx! System.Drawing.Font f = new System.Drawing.Font("Courier",12); This = Mesh.TextFromFont(D.device,f,"This game was made using",0.001F,0.3F); f= new System.Drawing.Font("Arial",16); MESH2 = Mesh.TextFromFont(D.device,f,"My Lame atempt at a Game Engine",0.001F,0.5F); f= new System.Drawing.Font("Courier",8); V = Mesh.TextFromFont(D.device,f,"V1.0.0",0.001F,0.2F); Not my final choices in fonts but right now when i render all three mesh's are the same font and size. PS, if you cant allready tell ive decided to make my posts as obscure as possible whilst remaining on topic. Thus Font Nazi! Cheers Quote
ThePentiumGuy Posted August 14, 2004 Posted August 14, 2004 I'm having font problems as well, except i just cant render it. M Font class looks like this [/font] [font=Courier New][color=#0000ff]Public[/color][color=#0000ff]Class[/color] clsText[/font] [font=Courier New] [/font] [font=Courier New][color=#0000ff]Dim[/color] TheFont [color=#0000ff]As[/color] Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Font = [/font][color=#0000ff][font=Courier New]Nothing[/font] [font=Courier New] [/font] [/color][font=Courier New][color=#0000ff]Dim[/color] rect [color=#0000ff]As[/color][color=#0000ff]New[/color] Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0)[/font] [font=Courier New] [/font] [font=Courier New][color=#0000ff]Dim[/color] x [color=#0000ff]As[/color] Microsoft.DirectX.Vector3[/font] [font=Courier New] [/font] [font=Courier New][color=#0000ff]Dim[/color] y [color=#0000ff]As[/color] Microsoft.DirectX.Vector3[/font] [font=Courier New] [/font] [font=Courier New][color=#0000ff]Public[/color][color=#0000ff]Sub[/color][color=#0000ff]New[/color]([color=#0000ff]ByVal[/color] d3ddev [color=#0000ff]As[/color] Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device, [color=#0000ff]Optional[/color][color=#0000ff]ByVal[/color] fontname [color=#0000ff]As[/color][color=#0000ff]String[/color] = "Courier", [color=#0000ff]Optional[/color][color=#0000ff]ByVal[/color] Size [color=#0000ff]As[/color][color=#0000ff]Integer[/color] = 10)[/font] [font=Courier New] [/font] [font=Courier New]TheFont = [color=#0000ff]New[/color] Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Font(d3ddev, [color=#0000ff]New[/color] System.Drawing.Font(fontname, Size))[/font] [font=Courier New] [/font] [font=Courier New][color=#0000ff]End[/color][/font][color=#0000ff][font=Courier New]Sub[/font] [font=Courier New] [/font] [/color][font=Courier New][color=#0000ff]Public[/color][color=#0000ff]Sub[/color] Drawtext([color=#0000ff]ByVal[/color] text [color=#0000ff]As[/color][color=#0000ff]String[/color], [color=#0000ff]ByVal[/color] Color [color=#0000ff]As[/color] System.Drawing.Color)[/font] [font=Courier New] [/font] [color=#008000][font=Courier New]' TheFont.DrawText(text, rect, Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.DrawTextFormat.NoClip, Color) [/font][/color] [color=#008000][font=Courier New][/font][/color] [color=#008000][font=Courier New]^^ The above line won't work, it needs a sprite as a first argument?[/font] [font=Courier New] [/font] [/color][font=Courier New][color=#0000ff]End[/color][/font][color=#0000ff][font=Courier New]Sub[/font] [font=Courier New] [/font] [font=Courier New]End[/font][/color][color=#0000ff][font=Courier New]Class[/font] [font=Courier New] [/font] [/color][font=Courier New] Argh! The stupid forums squish all my words together.. and it changes my actual post too ... and the automatic doublespacing of code with no indents ..... this is getting annoying - I think i'm gonna 'address' this in Suggestions/Bugs/Comments Well the code tells you how to 'pick' the font, but now I can't render it?? O_o Quote My VB.NET Game Programming Tutorial Site (GDI+, Direct3D, Tetris [coming soon], a full RPG.... you name it!) vbprogramming.8k.com My Project (Need VB.NET Programmers) http://workspaces.gotdotnet.com/ResolutionRPG
rifter1818 Posted August 14, 2004 Author Posted August 14, 2004 If im not mistaken Your rendering 2d Text, and all your missing is as follows Sprite s = new sprite(device); s.begin(SpriteFlags.AlphaBlend); font.drawtext(s,text......); s.end(); .... and that works for rendering 2d text, my problem is 3d text however. Quote
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