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Hey all,


I was just wondering if anyone here had A+ certification.


I'm thinking of aiming for this this. Is it easy? hard? Is it recommended?

I heard somewhere that it's good for collage credits (:cool:) and such.


Can anyone recommend a good book (or any course? I don't really want to spend a lot of cash on a course, unless its really good - and besides I learn better on my own).



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I looked at several books:

A+ Training Guide, Fifth Edition seemed to get good reviews on Amazon

A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide, 4th Edition seems leet, but its outdated - or so i heard from the reviews

eh the Dummies series never is good for my tastes, too oversimplfied

A+ Fast Pass seems like a good study guide and stuff


Can anyone recommend any more books, or give tell me which of these books are better?



My VB.NET Game Programming Tutorial Site (GDI+, Direct3D, Tetris [coming soon], a full RPG.... you name it!)


My Project (Need VB.NET Programmers)


Well I have obtained that A+ certification and its not as hard as some books claim it to be. Alot of great study material can come online. Also for me at least I made flash cards for all the material I had to remember for the exam. Also because its an official exam most folks who DO know alot about networking refer to it in terms that the books do not, so make sure when your doing networking work that you just take a second or two and look over the official names of everything your doing hehe. :p

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