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I am not getting an idea about how to handel this. i have a client server program, in which server listens for connections and client connects to server

When a PC starts with client software it connects to server and in server list box it shows the avaiable list of connected clients.


now here is a problem, if we close the server software and reopen the exe file we are unable to see list of clients which are connected


on client it have tried to do this in timer that if server has closed the connections after every 3 seconds client try to check the status of connection


if not cntoServer.state <> sckConnected then




end if


but it cause a run time error.


can any one have any idea.

The one and only

Dr. Madz



You are telling the program this: 'If you are connected, connect.' That makes no sense. :)


Should be like this.


If cntoServer.state <> sckConnected then




End if





If Not cntoServer.state = sckConnected Then




End If



<> mean Not Equal To


Good Luck.


Hello Dudes you have not checked my Coding i have written


IF NOT cn.state = sckconnected


Any how I have solved the problem using TCPCLIENT in normal it do not tell it's state i have to use it's protected property ACTIVE

i made a class

Imports System.Net.Sockets
Public Class mClient
   Inherits TcpClient
   Public Property Connected() As Boolean
           If Me.Active = True Then
               Return True
               Return False
           End If
       End Get
       Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)

       End Set
   End Property
End Class 


no i can check it as


if Client.active = then

try to connect it


exit sub

end if

The one and only

Dr. Madz


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