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How about Oracle?


In Oracle I am using the following to accomplish this but I feel like it is not the correct way to get it done.


Dim strTranInsert As String = "INSERT INTO " & TransactionTable & " (TRAN_ID," & _
       " DG, TRAN_STARTTIME, DG_PATH) VALUES (TRAN_SEQ.NEXTVAL, '" & DGName & "', to_date('" & strStartTime & "','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), '" & DGPath & "')"
       Dim strFetchID As String = "SELECT TRAN_SEQ.CURRVAL from " & TransactionTable
       Dim objTranInsertCmd As New OracleCommand(strTranInsert, OracleConn)
       Dim FetchID As OracleNumber 'The Sequence number assigned by Oracle

           objTranInsertCmd.CommandText = strFetchID    'Fetch back the unique id
           FetchID = DirectCast(objTranInsertCmd.ExecuteOracleScalar, OracleNumber)
       Catch ex As Exception
           Me.txtError.Text = "Error fetching id from transaction table: " & ex.Message
           blSuccess = False
       End Try


The reason I think this is the wrong way to go about it is because there is a time lag (albeit a short one) between the time the insert occurs and the id value is fetched. I should be alright because I am in a single user environment but this could be an issue if many records are being dumped in by many users.


For those unfamiliar, a sequence is Oracle's equivalent to the identity or autonumber field in MS.

Wanna-Be C# Superstar


I've run into something with your version. I left the full SQL string off (because it is long and boring), but the rest looks like this:

Dim SQL as String = "INSERT INTO Table1 (...) VALUES (...)"
Dim Reader1 as OleDb.OleDbDataReader
Command1 = New OleDbCommand
Command1.Connection = New OleDbConnection(strConnection)
Command1.CommandText = SQL
Command1.CommandText = "SELECT @@IDENTITY" ' get ID of record
Reader1 = Command1.ExecuteReader

There is no Exception thrown, but on my Reader1 properties, I have:



Depth - 0

FieldCount - 1

HasRows - True

IsClosed - False

Item - <cannot view indexed property>

RecordsAffected - 0


What do I need to read in? How do I get my ID number off of this data reader?

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