pendragon Posted July 27, 2004 Posted July 27, 2004 I am learning ADO.NET by reading Microsofts ADO.NET Core Reference, I understanding how to get data using the data adapter, how to fill a data set and how to use data rows to display and modify the data, but I can not get the data adapter to update the changed data to my database. I have created a small test program to try and figure this out, this is what I do in the Form Load Event. ds = new DataSet(); SQL = "SELECT STCPartID, STCDesc1, STCDesc2 FROM StockParts ORDER BY STCPartID"; cn = new OleDbConnection(dataaccess.STCConString); cn.Open(); Application.DoEvents(); da = new OleDbDataAdapter(SQL, cn); da.TableMappings.Add("Table", "StockParts"); tbl = ds.Tables.Add("StockParts"); col = tbl.Columns.Add("STCPartID", typeof(string)); col = tbl.Columns.Add("STCDesc1", typeof(string)); col = tbl.Columns.Add("STCDesc2", typeof(string)); tbl.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] {tbl.Columns["STCPartID"]}; dataaccess.tblSTCPart = ds.Tables["StockParts"]; dataaccess.colSTCPartID = dataaccess.tblSTCPart.Columns["STCPartID"]; dataaccess.colSTCDesc1 = dataaccess.tblSTCPart.Columns["STCDesc1"]; dataaccess.colSTCDesc2 = dataaccess.tblSTCPart.Columns["STCDesc2"]; da.Fill(ds, "StockParts"); da.Dispose(); tbl.Dispose(); col.Dispose(); cn.Close(); cn.Dispose(); Application.DoEvents(); StockParts = dataaccess.tblSTCPart.Rows[0]; this.StockID.Text = dataaccess.TextNull((string)StockParts[dataaccess.colSTCPartID]); this.Description.Text = dataaccess.TextNull((string)StockParts[dataaccess.colSTCDesc1]); this.Description2.Text = dataaccess.TextNull((string)StockParts[dataaccess.colSTCDesc2]); I but a button on the form to do a change and try to update the database string sql; cn = new OleDbConnection(dataaccess.STCConString); SQL = "SELECT STCPartID, STCDesc1, STCDesc2 FROM StockParts ORDER BY STCPartID"; da = new OleDbDataAdapter(SQL, cn); cn.Open(); OleDbCommand cmd; sql = "UPDATE [stockParts]"; sql += " SET STCPartID = ?, STCDesc1 = ?, STCDesc2 = ? "; sql += " WHERE STCPartID = ? AND STCDesc1 = ? STCDesc2 = ? "; cmd = new OleDbCommand(sql, cn); OleDbParameterCollection pc = cmd.Parameters; pc.Add("STCPartID_New", OleDbType.Char, 0, "STCPartID"); pc.Add("STCDesc1_New", OleDbType.Char, 0, "STCDesc1"); pc.Add("STCDesc2_New", OleDbType.Char, 0, "STCDesc2"); OleDbParameter param; param = pc.Add("STCPartID_Orig", OleDbType.Char, 0, "STCPartID"); param.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original; param = pc.Add("STCDesc1_Orig", OleDbType.Char, 0, "STCDesc1"); param.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original; param = pc.Add("STCDesc2_Orig", OleDbType.Char, 0, "STCDesc2"); param.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original; this.StockParts[dataaccess.colSTCDesc2] = "This Has Been updated By The Data Adapter"; da.UpdateCommand = cmd; da.Update(ds, "StockParts"); ds.AcceptChanges(); MessageBox.Show("The update was successful."); I get the following error on da.update(ds, "StockParts"); An unhandled exception of type 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException' occurred in but I get no additional information. If I use the command builder to create the update sql it gives me the following UPDATE StockParts SET STCPartID = ? , STCDesc1 = ? , STCDesc2 = ? WHERE ( (STCPartID = ?) AND ((? = 1 AND STCDesc1 IS NULL) OR (STCDesc1 = ?)) AND ((? = 1 AND STCDesc2 IS NULL) OR (STCDesc2 = ?)) ) But I still get the error in the same place. Any help on what I am doing wrong will be gladly received, also can anyone suggest a good book to read up on the SQL update, insert and delete commands. Thanks Quote
JABE Posted July 27, 2004 Posted July 27, 2004 I haven't really dug deeply into your code though I suspect it has something to do w/ the definition of your parameters. Anyway, you can get a more descriptive error msg by enclosing your code w/in a try/catch block and retrieving the Message of the exception raised. Quote
pendragon Posted July 27, 2004 Author Posted July 27, 2004 JABE I seem to always forget to use the try/catch block to get the exception, it told me exactly where the error was. Just for reference it was on this line sql += " WHERE STCPartID = ? AND STCDesc1 = ? STCDesc2 = ? "; Should off course look like this sql += " WHERE STCPartID = ? AND STCDesc1 = ? AND STCDesc2 = ? "; Thanks for that, now lets see what else I can break :D Quote
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