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Hello everyone,


I'm trying to obtain the file associated icon, I know that i can do this with the api function SHgetFileInfo but I can't get it to work in C++ .net what i have so far is



__gc struct SHFILEINFO



const static int NAMESIZE = 80;

IntPtr hIcon;

int iIcon;

unsigned int dwAttributes;

String* szDisplayName;

String* szTypeName;






extern "C" unsigned int* SHGetFileInfo(String* pszPath,unsigned int dwFileAttributes,SHFILEINFO* psfi,unsigned int cbFileInfo,unsigned int uFlags);



int _tmain(void)




return 0;



It runs whitout erros but the SHFILEINFO struct sfi remains empty and I haven't got a clue why , I am fairly new to C++ and .Net so every help is realy appreciated.


Thanx in advance,

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