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In C++ there is a function called SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty, that retrieves the device property. But in C# I can not find this function. Could anybody help me to tell me what it is called in C# ?
I think that you must use P/Invoke...


In C++ I can use this function to get the device properties. Frankly I am interested in getting the friendly name of the device (fname), so I know exactly which com ports exist.


bool bSuccess = SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(hDevInfo, &devdata, SPDRP_FRIENDLYNAME, NULL, (PBYTE)fname, sizeof(fname), NULL);


But I can not find anything that just look alike in C#. Any suggestion ?.

You might be able to retrieve the device information through the WMI support in .NET, but I don't know how this works.


It looks like this http://www.thecodeproject.com/csharp/DivingSysProg3.asp does something close to what you want, you might want to check it out (they dont use WMI but use the win32api directly)


Thanks alot Wile, just what I need.


I just need to Import the setupapi dll to use the SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty function. I just can not get why nothing alike exist in C#. If anybody reads this, and know how to do it in C# way, please let me know.

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