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I try the same (SELECT * FROM documents WHERE name_doc='Fax')in Query Builder, there I have no error,

but in WebApplication i have error:

Input string was not in a correct format.


Private Sub Search_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Search.Click          
   If IsValid Then
                 Dim NameS As String = txtName.Text
                 Dim DataAdapter1 As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("Select * From Documents Where Name_doc ='" & CType(NameS, String) & "'", SqlConnection1)
                 Dim Command As New SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder(DataAdapter1)
                 Dim DataSet99 As New DataSet
                 DataAdapter1.FillSchema(DataSet99, SchemaType.Source, "Documents")
                 DataAdapter1.Fill(DataSet99, "Documents")
                   Dim objRow As DataRow
                 objRow = DataSet99.Tables("Documents").Rows.Find(searchPart)
                  txtInNum.Text = objRow.Item("cod_int")
                  txtExNum.Text = objRow.Item("cod_ext")
             Catch ex As Exception
                 ErrorMsg.Text = ex.Message
                 ErrorMsg.Visible = True
             End Try
         End If
End Sub  


What I am doing wrong ???

  • Administrators

In the line

Dim DataAdapter1 As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("Select * From Documents Where Name_doc ='" & CType(NameS, String) & "'", SqlConnection1)


what is the value of NameS? Also you may want to replace

CType(NameS, String)



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Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them.

-- Albert Einstein



In the line what is the value of NameS?

Dim NameS As String = txtName.Text


Also you may want to replace

CType(NameS, String)



That changes Nothing.

But what was the value of NameS? If you step through the debugger and put a watch on NameS what value does it contain?

Also which line is causing the error to occur?


the value of NameS is what I want to search the Database, for example, "FAX" (the database contains the titles of the articles).


the Error occurs at line:

objRow = DataSet99.Tables("Documents").Rows.Find(NameS)

In that case what does the variable searchPart contain when the error occurs?


NameS and searchPart are the same.


the value of NameS is as I said "FAX", the title of Article which I want to search for.

  • Administrators

If you step through the code in the debugger does searchPart really contain the word "FAX" as I can't see you assigning anything to it in the code snippet you posted above.


Out of interest does the file have Option Explicit On and Option Strict On at the top?

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Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them.

-- Albert Einstein

  • *Experts*

Four things:

1. Since NameS is declared as string you don't need a CType or a ToString on it. Not important, but thought I'd mention it.


2. A better thing to do than CType would be to Replace any single quotes with double single quotes. Without that, a malicious user could send commands to your database. Something like this would help:

Dim NameS As String = txtName.Text.Trim().Replace("'", "''")


3. If searchPart is just "Fax" then you can't use that in the Find method. The find method wants a pseudo-WHERE clause. A filter would look something like "Name_doc = 'fax'". Here's a code snippet:

searchPart = "Name_doc ='" & NameS & "'"
objRow = DataSet99.Tables("Documents").Rows.Find(searchPart)


4. If NameS and searchPart are meant to filter on the same column/value then I don't know WHY you'd do the Find. It's not going to filter any more than the SQL call.



"I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the center." - Kurt Vonnegut

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