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Hi guys !

How can I delete & edit & search access db ? I know how to add new rows & update !:D .So I think it won't take more than 4 to 8 lines of code.

any help would be greatly appreciated !

  • *Experts*

How are you adding/updating right now?


You can use a command on a DataSet to do "automatic" inserts/updates/deletes. Or, you can issue direction SQL statements such as "INSERT INTO Customers..." (or call a proc using either method).


For searches, you'll need to write a query unless you just want to bring back all records for a table (not normally a good idea, but maybe).


Can you post the code you have so far?



"I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the center." - Kurt Vonnegut

sure :D


  'open Connection to the Database with Password
   Dim MyPath As String = Application.StartupPath & "\__mydb__.mdb"
   Dim MyPassword As String = "passme"
   Dim StrSQL As String = "Select * From MyTable"
   Dim MyConnection As New 
OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & 
MyPath & ";Jet OLEDB:Database Password=" & MyPassword)

   'This Saves data to a DataSet and then uses update method
   'against Database Source File
   Dim MyCommand As New OleDbCommand(StrSQL, MyConnection)
   Dim MyDataset As DataSet = New DataSet()
   Dim MyAdapter As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(StrSQL, MyConnection)

       MyAdapter.Fill(MyDataset, "MyTable")
   Dim MyDataRow As DataRow = MyDataset.Tables("MyTable").NewRow
   'Fill the data in Four Columns in the Database (Fields)
       MyDataRow("1_Column") = Textbox1.Text
       MyDataRow("2_Column") = Textbox2.Text
       MyDataRow("3_Column") = Textbox3.Text
       MyDataRow("4_Column") = Textbox4.Text
       MyAdapter.Update(MyDataset, "MyTable")
       MessageBox.Show("Data Saved..", "Saved",

   'if you want to write the data as well to XML file then you
   'include(this)before update method
       MyDataset.WriteXml(Application.StartupPath & "\_MyXMLFile_.XML")
   End Sub
End Class


I need to have many options to set many criteria ! so can sql fit that .

thanx for your time

  • *Experts*

Slow down, I just got in! I'll have to add something later :)



"I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the center." - Kurt Vonnegut
  • *Experts*

For searching you're going to have to write you own SQL. Let's say you have a column called LastName and you provide a textbox to search. You can build a SQL string using something like this:

Dim SQL As String
SQL = "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE LastName LIKE '" & textBox1.Text.Replace("'", "''") & "%'"
' The resulting string looks like:
'SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE LastName LIKE 'jones%'

Replace the "%" with "*" if you're using Access.


Use the SQL string in your DataAdapter to .Fill a DataSet.


The .Replace(...) method replaces any single quotes with two single quotes so that the query will run. Without it, searching for the name O'donnel will cause an exception.



"I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the center." - Kurt Vonnegut

First I want kiss ya . Thanx for your patience .Right now I can't try it .I must later.If anything goes wrong , I don't know I maybe feedback here.

(one more thing I want to mention is :how can I search in textchange event .For example when I just type "J" , I find all names start in "J".It's looping through something but I don't know how to do this .Do you know how ?

thanx again and again and again Nerseus

  • *Experts*

You're welcome :)

I wouldn't try searching after every keypress - I'd wait til they tabbed out (at the earliest) or better yet, wait til they press a search button.


I've seen some people put a timer on a form. Every time the user types something, they restart the timer. If the timer goes off (usually after 1 or 2 seconds), they perform the search. That way, you give the user a chance to type a few letters before searching rather than doing a search after every keypress. I've never tried this, but you could give it a try if you wanted a more immediate response.



"I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the center." - Kurt Vonnegut

Well , Pirate is back:D of course with different bug:( .

I'm using this to search the database .But nothing happens at all .I dunno what's wrong here ?

thanx for any help

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
       Dim MyConnection1 As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & MyPath & ";Jet OLEDBatabase Password=" & MyPassword)
       Dim myDataReader As OleDbDataReader
       Dim txt As String = "SELECT * FROM MyTab WHERE C_URL LIKE '" & TextBox7.Text.Replace("'", "''") & "*'"
       Dim myOleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand(txt, MyConnection1)

       myDataReader = myOleDbCommand.ExecuteReader()
       Do While (myDataReader.Read)

           If (myDataReader.IsDBNull(0)) Then
               Console.Write("N/A" + Chr(10))
               MsgBox("no data")
               Console.Write(myDataReader.GetInt32(4).ToString() + Chr(10))
               MsgBox(myDataReader.GetInt32(4).ToString() + Chr(10))
           End If

   End Sub

If anyone has another code for searching db ,It would be very nice of him to share.

thanx again .

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