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I want to make a program that has a file called "quotes.txt", with a different quote on every line. When the user clicks a button, it will get the amount of lines in the "quotes.txt", randomize a number in between 1 and the number of lines. And then go to the line of the number it just randomized. So for example:


Number of lines in "quote.txt" = 10

Randomize a number between 1 and 10

number is 4

Go to line 4 of "quote.txt"

Display line 4 of "quote.txt" in a textbox


Is it possible to do all of this? I'm not sure how to do any of this. Could someone make up the code for this, because i'm not really good with reading from a text file...




Hi there,


I don't really understand what your trying to do, but you could try something like this:

   Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
       Dim MyLines As New ArrayList()
       Dim Total As Integer
       Dim Random As Integer
       Dim sreader As New IO.StreamReader("C:/quotes.txt")
       While Not sreader.Peek
       End While
       Total = MyLines.Count
       Random = New System.Random().Next(0, Total)
       TextBox1.Text = MyLines(Random)
   End Sub

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