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i am using an add-on component called eXport.net to export data to an excel worksheet. the sheet must first be saved on the webserver before naything can be done with it. i then include some inline javascript to open the excel spresdsheet in a new window. everything works fine up until the opening of the file in a new window. the file is created on the webserver but will not open up in a new browser window for me. below is the code i am using:


SqlDataAdapter da;

DataSet ds;

ds = new DataSet();

da = new SqlDataAdapter("stpDEBgetInsuranceMailMerge", strConnection);

da.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

da.Fill(ds, "SSRFADD");



eXportNET SF = new eXportNET();

String strFileName;

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

SF.FileType = "XLS";

SF.SavePath = Server.MapPath("");

strFileName = SF.CreateFileFromDataset(ds);

strFileName = strFileName.Substring(strFileName.LastIndexOf("\\")+1);



sb.Append("window.open('" + strFileName + "');");





this works from within visual studio when i build and browse but the minute i copy and paste the link into a browser window and click on Export Report button i get the file is created but nothing happens -(no window opended up showing the file)

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