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Ok i finnally got my skinning mesh to render, and now when i move on to the next stage (enter a battle in this case) all my other meshs, disapear, however if i rem out the Tiny.drawmesh 'tiny is my skinning mesh test case, the meshs render fine, however i cant find whats being changed, ive tried reseting everything i notice on the device being changed (transforms,renderstate) but this is to no avail.

       Public Sub drawMesh()
       End Sub
       Private Sub DrawFrame(ByRef frame As hFrame)
           Dim mesh As hMeshContainer = frame.MeshContainer
           While Not (mesh Is Nothing)
               DrawMeshContainer(mesh, frame)
               mesh = mesh.NextContainer
           End While
           If Not (frame.FrameSibling Is Nothing) Then
           End If
           If Not (frame.FrameFirstChild Is Nothing) Then
           End If
       End Sub
       Protected Overridable Sub DrawMeshContainer(ByRef mesh As hMeshContainer, ByRef frame As hFrame)
           Dim i As Integer
           If Not (mesh.SkinInformation Is Nothing) Then
               Dim attribIdPrev As Integer = -1
               Dim iattrib As Integer
               For iattrib = 0 To mesh.numAttr - 1
                   Dim numBlend As Integer = 0
                   Dim bones() As BoneCombination = mesh.bones
                   For i = 0 To mesh.numInfl - 1
                       If (bones(iattrib).BoneId(i) <> -1) Then
                           numBlend = i
                       End If
                   If (iDev.DeviceCaps.MaxVertexBlendMatrices >= numBlend + 1) Then
                       iDev.RenderState.VertexBlend = numBlend
                       Dim offsetMatrices As Matrix() = mesh.offsetMatrices
                       Dim frameMatrices() As hFrame = mesh.frameMatrices
                       For i = 0 To mesh.numInfl - 1
                           Dim matrixIndex As Integer
                           matrixIndex = bones(iattrib).BoneId(i)
                           If (matrixIndex <> -1) Then
                               Dim tempMatrix As Matrix = Matrix.Multiply(offsetMatrices(matrixIndex), frameMatrices(matrixIndex).cMat)
                               iDev.Transform.SetWorldMatrixByIndex(i, tempMatrix)
                           End If
                       If ((attribIdPrev <> bones(iattrib).AttribId) Or attribIdPrev = -1) Then
                           iDev.Material = mesh.GetMaterials()(bones(iattrib).AttribId).Material3D
                           iDev.SetTexture(0, mesh.meshTextures(bones(iattrib).AttribId))
                           attribIdPrev = bones(iattrib).AttribId
                       End If
                   End If
               iDev.Transform.World = frame.cMat
               Dim mtrl() As ExtendedMaterial = mesh.GetMaterials
               Dim iMaterial As Integer
               For iMaterial = 0 To mtrl.Length - 1
                   iDev.Material = mtrl(iMaterial).Material3D
                   iDev.SetTexture(0, mesh.meshTextures(iMaterial))
           End If
       End Sub

Any Ideas whats getting changed (iDev is the device).

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